Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/469

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436 FORTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Srzss. II. Gus. 311, 312. 1887. and while so detailed their pay shall be twentyhve dollars per month, with increase as above stated. Acting hospital stewards, when educated in the duties of the position, may be eligible for examination for appointment as hospital stewards as above provided. R-S-. ms- 1179. Sec. 8. That all acts and parts of acts in so far as they contravene u8°·u81•P· 211- the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved, March 1, 1887. March 1, 1887. CHAP. 312.-An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy --1;-- for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ml£]‘t:;'Yr¢:;‘;‘;° State; ofA.mer*ica, in Congress assembled, That the following Bums be, I pp Pandthe same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Military Academy tor the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty- eight: . ‘ Payofprofessors, For pay of eight professors, twenty-five thousand five hundred and i¤¤¤’¤¢=*¤<>¤*¤, vw- eighty-one dollars and ninety-three cents. . For one commandant of cadets, in addition to pay of captain‘in the line, one thousand two hundred dollars. For pay of one instructor of practical military engineering, in addition to pay as first lieutenant, nine hundred dollars. For pay of one instructor of ordnance and science of gunnery, in addition to pay as first lieutenant, nine hundred dollars. For pay of eight assistant professors, in addition to pay as first lieutenants, four thousand dollars. . For pay of three senior instructors of cavalry, artillery, and infantry tactics, in addition to pay as second lieutenants, one thousand five hundred dollars. ‘ For pay of four assistant instructors of cavalry, artillery, and infantry smog, addition to pay as second lieutenauts, two thousand four hunt dollars. For pay of adjutant, in addition to pay as second lieutenant, four hundred dollars: Provided, That the sum paid to said officer shall not exceed one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum. For pay of treasurer, quartermaster, and commissary of cadets, in addition to pay as captain of infantry, seven hundred dollars. I For pay of one master of the sword, one thousand five hundred dollars. Cadets. . For pay of cadets, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars; and no padet shall receive more than at the rate of five hundred and lorry dollars a year. For pay of the teacher of music, one thousand and eighty dollars. Band. For pay of the Military Academy band, nine thousand two hundred and forty dollars; which shall be in full for the pay of the said band for the year ending June thirtietli, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. ` Additional pay. For additional pay of professors and olllcers (ou increased rank) for length of service, ten thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. Current expen- For current expenses as follows: as- For repairs and improvements, timber, planks, boards, joists, wallstrips, lathe, shingles, slate, tin, sheet—lead, zinc, nails, screws, locks hinges, glass, paints, turpentine, oils, varnish, brushes, stone, brick, flag, lime, cement, plaster, hair, sewer and drain pipe, blasting-powder, iuse, iron, steel, tools, mantels, and other similar materials, and for pay of overseer and master builder and citizen mechanics and labor employed upon repairs and improvements that cannot be done by enlisted men ten thousand dollars. ’