Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/483

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450 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 320. 1887. P1{y<>f¤g¤¤f¤_M At the Crow agency, at two thousand dollars; 2‘&£:i‘:u:dg“““ At the Fort Peck agency, at two thousand dollars; ' At the Fort Belknap agency, at one thousand dollars; _ At the Tongue River agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars ; ` At the Yankton agency, at one thousand six hundred dollars; h At the (Crow Creek and Lower Brule agency, at one thousand eight undred ollars; At the Standing Bock agency, at one thousand seven hundred dollars; At the Cheyenne River agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars; At the Fort Berthold agency, at one thousand tivo hundred dollars; At the Sisseton agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars; At the Devil’s Lake agency, at one thousand two lmndred dollars; At the Pine Ridge agency, at two thousand two hundred dollars; At the Rosebud agency, at two thousand two hundred dollars; At the Shoshone agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars; At the Uintah and Uuray agency (consolidated), at one thousand eight hundred dollars ; . At the Pueblo agency, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; At the Navajo agency, at two thousand dollars; At the Mescalero agency, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; At the Southern Ute agency, at one thousand four hundred dollars · J At the Omaha and Winnebago agency, at one thousand six hundred ollars · — At the Santee agency, at one thousand two hundred dollars; l At the Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha agency, at ono thousand dollars · At the Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland agency, at one thousand tive hundred dollars; ASE; Sac and Fox agency, Indian Territory, at one thousand two hun ollars; . · · At the Quapaw agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars; and not more than one thousand two hundred dollars of any moneys appropriated by tlnis act shall be expended for clerical labor at this agency; At the 0sage`agency, at one thousand six hundred dollars; d at the Cheyenne and Arapaho agency, at two thousand two hundred o ars; I At the Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita agency, at two thousand dollars · At the Union agency, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; At the White Earth agency, at one thousand six hundred dollars; At the Sac and Fox agency, Iowa, at one thousand dollars ; At the Green Bay agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars; At the La Pointe agency, at two thousand dollars; At the Mackinac agency, at one thousand dollars; At the New York agency, at one thousand dollars; At the Colorado River agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars; At the Pima agency, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; At the San Carlos agency, at two thousand dollars; For the Eastern Cherokee Indians, eight hundred dollars; in all, eighty-nine thousand three hundred dollars; and all provisions of law iixinhg eognpensatgor; tbr Indian agents in excess of that herein provided are ere y repea ec . Interpreters. For the payment of necessary interpreters, to be distributed in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand dollars; but no person employed by the United States and paid for any other service shall be paid for interpreting. Inspectors. For pay of five Indian inspectors, at three thousand dollars per annum , each, fifteen thousand dollars. Tmvemngr em, _ Por necessary traveling expenses of five Indian inspectors, including expenses. incidental expenses of inspection-and investigation, eight thousand dollars.