Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/551

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518 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Szss. II. Ch. 362. 1887. Ped? 6XP¤¤S88— To continue gravity experiments, at a. cost not exceeding five hundred °°“l’"‘“°d· dollars per station, except for special investigations and experiments authorized by the Superintendent at one or more stations, the unexpended balance of the appropriation therefor for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. For furnishing points to State surveys, to be applied, as far as practicable, in States where points have not been furnished, seven thousand five hundred dollars. For determinations of geographical positions (longitude party), three thousand dollars. ' For continuation of geodetic work on transcontinental main line between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, nineteen thousand dollars. To continue the compilation of the Coast Pilot, and to make special hyilrographic examinations for the same, two thousand five hundred do lars. Travelling sx- For traveling expenses of officers and men of the Navy on duty, and pensos of Navy. for any special surveys that may be required by the Light-House Board or other proper authority, and contingent expenses incident thereto, three thousand dollars. Urgent objects. For objects not hereinbefore named that may be deemed urgent, three thousand dollars. Ten per cent. in- And ten per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be available in-

  • °¥°h°¤g°°b1°- terchangeably for expenditure on the objects named; in all, for party

expenses, one hundred and sixty thousand seven hundred dollars. Repairs, etc. of Fos. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE OF VESSELS: For repairs and main- '°¤¤°l¤- tenance of the complement of vessels used in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, twenty-five thousand dollars. Pay of held odi- PAY OF FIELD OFFICERS Z ‘ _ . <=¤¤‘¤· _ For pay of the Superintendent, six thousand dollars. §:¤I;?8;‘;‘;:;“d°°l· For pay of two assistants, at four thousand dollars each, eight thou- ' sand dollars. For pay of one assistant, three thousand six hundred dollars. For pay of one assistant, three thousand two hundred dollars For pay of two assistants, at three thousand dollars each, six thou— sand dollars. For pay of two assistants, at two thousand eight hundred dollars each, five thousand six hundred dollars. For pay of four assistants, at two thousand four hundred dollars each, nine thousand six hundred dollars. For pay of three assistants, at two thousand three hundred dollars each, six thousand nine hundred dollars. For pay of six assistants, at two thousand two hundred dollars each, thirteen thousand two hundred dollars. For pay of six assistants, at two thousand dollars each, twelve thousand dollars. For pay of ten assistants, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, eighteen thousand dollars. For pay of nine assistants, at one thousand five hundred dollars each, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars. For pay of three sub-assistants, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, four thousand two hundred dollars. For pay of two sub-assistants, at one thousand three hundred dollars each, two thousand six hundred dollars. For pay of four suoassistants, at one thousand one hundred dollars each, tour thousand four hundred dollars. For pay of six aids, at nine hundred dollars each, five thousand four hundred dollars. For pay of one aid, seven hundred and twenty dollars. Total pay in field, one hundred and twentytwo thousand nine hun~ WMO- _ dred and twenty dollars: Provided, That no new appointments shall f°:;d"“t‘°” °f be made to the above force until the whole number of assistants, sub- ` assistants, and aids shall be reduced to fifty-two.