Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/560

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FORTY—NINTH conennss. Sess. 11. cs. 362. 1887. 527 SETTLEMENT on cLA1Ms Fon. swAMr-LAND AND SWAMP-LAND IN- Sw¤¤¤p—1¤¤<1 DEMNITY: For salaries and expenses of agents employed in adjusting °1‘“m“#°xP°““°“· claims for swamp-lands, and for indemnity for swamp-lands, twenty thousand dollars: Pro/vided, That agents and others employed under PTM540- this and the appropriations for “Depredations on public timher" and “ Protecting public lands," while traveling on duty, shall be allowed Per diem for per diem, in lieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding three dollars ¤g¤¤t¤- per day, and for actual necessary expenses for transportation. Rnruonucme PLATS or suuvnrsz To enable the Commissioner of Reproduci n s the General Land Office to continue to reproduce worn and defaced “’°'“ P1“'·“°f ““" oilicial plats of surveys on nle, and other plats constituting a part of v°y°‘ the records of said office, and also to furnish local land-oliicers with the same, five thousand dollars. TRANSCRIPTS on Rncoitns AND PLATS: For furnishing transcripts Transcripts of of records and plats, and paying therefor, five thousand dollars, to be "°°°“]¤· expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. SURVEYING- THE PUBLIC LANDS. I Séirveyofpublio H.!] S. For surveys and resurveys of public lands, at rates not exceeding Expenses. nine dollars per linear mile lor standard and meander lines, seven_dollars for township, and five dollars for section lines fifty thousand dol-, lars; and of the sum hereby appropriated ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may he expended for the examination of surveys in the field; to test the accuracy of the work and to prevent payment for fraudulent and imperfect surveys returned by deputy surveyors; for inspecting mineral deposits, coal-fields, and timber districts; and for making such other surveys or examinations as may be required for identification of lands for purposes of evidence in any suit or proceeding in behalf of the United States. For survey of confirmed private land-claims in New Mexico, at rates New Mexico, prescribed by law, three thousand dollars. . Eli'} V ° l ° ]'”“I For care and preservation of abandoned military reservations trans- om ,,b,m_ ferred to the control of the Secretary of the Interior under the provis— 4.,,,,4 Qtgméryrss. ions of an act of Congress approved July fifth, eighteen hundred and ervations. eighty-four, two thousand dollars. . Vol. 23, p..103. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Geological Sur- VOY. For the United States Geological Survey: For the Geological Sur- Expenses_ vey, and the classification of the public lands, and examination of the geological structure, mineral resources, and products of the national domain, and to continue the preparation of a geological map of the United States, including the pay of temporary employees in the field and office, and all other necessary expenses, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, tour hundred thousand dollars; and hereafter the estimates for the Geological Survey shall be itemized. ,,£Qg;"h“*°° *° "° For salaries of the scientific assistants of the Geological Survey: S,],,,g,_ For salary of five geologists, at four thousand dollars each; For salary of two geologists, at three thousand dollars each ; For salary of one geologist, two thousand seven hundred dollars; Flpr salary of two geologists, at two thousand four hundred dollars eac ; For salary of two geologists, at two thousand dollars each; For salary of one paleontologist, four thousand dollars; For salary of one paleontologist, two thousand dollars; ` For salary of one chemist, three thousand dollars; For salary of one chemist, two thousand dollars; d 501- salary of one chief geographer, two thousand seven hundred o ars; For salary of three geographers, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; ‘