Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/612

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 389. 1887. 579 plements and seeds, harness and repairs to same, fertilizers, books, stationery, plumbing, painting and glazing, medicines, medical attendance, stock, fencing, and other necessary items, including compensation, not exceeding nine hundred dollars, for additional labor or services, all in the discretion of the Commissioners, twenty-five thousand dollars. For construction of greenhouses, with necessary heating apparatus C<>¤¤¤’¤¤¢i<>¤- complete, four thousand five hundred dollars; for construction of one workshop building, with necessary heating apparatus complete, four thousand seven hundred dollars; for grading, draining, and permanently improving the school grounds, five hundred dollars; in all, nine thousand seven hundred dollars. For transportation of paupers and conveying prisoners to the work- Tr¤¤¤p¤rt¤ti<>¤· house, four thousand dollars. Fon rim INDUSTRIAL Home Soir00L: For maintenance of inmates Industrial Home and salaries of superintendent and employees, the promotion of indus- S°h°°l· tries, and general repairs, and other necessary expenses, all in the discretion of the Commissioners, ten thousand dollars. Fon Snrroizr or rim INSANE. For support of the indigent insane of the District of Columbia in the Support of in- Government Hospital for the Insane in said District, as provided in _°““"· sections forty-eight hundred and forty-four and forty-eight hundred and fifty of the Revised Statutes, seventy-five thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollars. Fon Crmnrrms. For the relief of the poor, fifteen thousand dollars. · Relief of the POOI`. For the support and maintenance of the Columbia Hospital for Womeii _C°l¤¤¤l*i¤· H05- and Lying in Asylum, fifteen thousand dollars. P‘t"l‘ For the Women’s Christian Association, tour thousand dollars. tigglggégagsiiv For the National Association for Destitute Colored Women and Chil- d A'¥*°°*°*i°¤, {**3 dren, seven thousand dollars,. W‘:2;:f:,cf’° °"’ For the ChiIdren’s Hospital, five thousand dollars. pig3‘m""“’° H"s‘ For Saint Ann’s Infant Asylum, six thousand dollars. m§€i;¤;vi·E•'¤‘¤’¤ In- For maintenance of the Church Orphanage of the District of Colum- chin-an Orphanbia, one thousand five hundred dollars. 3Q6- For the erection of a new wingfor the Church Orphanage of the District of Columbia, six thousand dollars. For the \Vashington Hospital for Fouudlings, seven thousand dol- Pi£<;¤¤<Ui¤t; Imlars. ‘ To complete the erection of additional accommodations for the use of sdm R<>¤** I¤~· the Saint Rose Industrial School, five thousand dollars. d““‘"“1 S°h°‘·‘l· To complete the payment for the building of the House of the Good Ho n se or the- Shepherd, and repairs to the same, three thousand dollars. 609* Sh°Pb°¤l· To enable the board of managers of the Association for Works of Association for Mercy to discharge so much of the indebtedness of said association W°‘k“ °*` M°’°F· incurred in the purchase of a building, three thousand six hundred dollars. ( For the National Homeopathic Hospital Association of Waishington, .H¤i¤e¤p¤thi¤ District of Columbia, three thousand dollars. . · H°”P***l· The several institutions included under the heads of asylums, reform- Reports. atories, industrial schools, and charities named in this act shall report to the Commissioners of the District on·or before the iirst day of December next, a full and detailed account of receipts and expenditures, and all their operations, and said Commissioners shall transmit the same to Congress. with a report as to what legislation is necessary. To provide the District with proper institutions of this character