Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/617

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584 FORTY-NIN TH CON GHESS. Sess. II. Ch. 391. 1887. the recruiting for the naval service and for the transportation of enlisted men and boys at home and abroad, twenty-tive thousand dollars. Contingent ex- CONTINGENT BUREAU 01-* EQUIPMENT AND RECRUITING: For ex- P°“°°“· tra expenses of training-ships, freight and transportation of equipment stores, printing, advertising, telegraphin g, books and models, postage on letters sent abroad, ferriage, ice, apprehen ion of deserters and stragglers, continuous-service certincates, good-conduct badges, and libraries for enlisted men, school-books for trainingships, medals for boys, and emergencies arising under cognizance of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting unforeseen and impossible to classify, fifteen thousand dollars. Civil ¤¤*•l>li¤h· CIVIL 1=;sTABL1snm¤NT, BUREAU or EQUIPMENT AND RECRUITING: '"§,'Q3t_sm°u,h N avgly-yard, Portsmguth, New Hampshire: For one clerk, at one thou- ' san two hundred ollars·` Boston. Nav5'·Y8rd, Boston, Massachusetts: For one superintendent of ropewalk, at one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars; one clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk at one thousiand three hundred dollars; one writer, at nine hundred and fifty dolrs; New York- d Navy-yard, New York : For one clerk at one thousand two hundred o ars · League Island. hNavy;(yard, League Island, Pennsylvania: For one clerk at one thousand two h.un red dollars; Norfolk. Ngvy-ygrd, Norfolk, Virginia: For one clerk, at one thousand two ` hun red ollars · M”° I¤l¤¤d- Navy-yard, Mare Island, California: For one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, eleven thousand five hundred and twenty- five dollars. And no other fund appropriated by this act shall be used in payment for such services.' m€‘}§°°‘;‘,;:f Y“d“ _ BUREAU or runs AN1> DOCKS. G¢¤¢¤‘¤l ¤¤¤i¤f¤- MAINTENANGE OF YARDS AND DOCKS: For general maintenance of "“‘°°· yards and docks, namely: For freight and transportation of materials and stores; books, maps, models, and drawings ; purchase and repair of fire-engines; machinery; repairs on steam tire-engines and attendance on the same; purchase and maintenance of oxen and horses and driving teams; carts and timber-wheels, and all vehicles for use in the navy- yards, and tools and repairs of the same; postage on letters and other mailable matter on public service sent to foreign countries, and telegrams; stationery; furniture for government houses and offices in the navy-yards; coal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; cleaning and clearing up yards and care of buildings; attendance on fires; lights, tire engines, and apparatus; for incidental labor at navy-yards; watertax and tolls and terriage; rent of four ot'ticers’ quarters at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; for pay of watchmen in navy-yards, and for awnings and and packing-boxes, and advertising for yards and docks pur- _ poses, one hundred and seventy thousand dollars. _ u·¥;;l’)}$°’k° °* HIUBLIC wonxs: For rebuilding wharves at navy-yard, Boston, Mas- `sac usetts twentyfive thousand dollars- For rebmlding floating-gate, dry-dock: Boston, Massachusetts, to be immediately available, thirty~one thousand dollars; For two timber dry-docks, to be located at such navy·yards as the Secretary of the Navy may indicate, each dock to be not less than four hundred and eighty feet in length, the cost of the two docks not to exceed in the aggregate the amount herein appropriated, one million one hundred thousand dollars · For railroad extension in the! navy-yard at Norfolk, Virginia, and enginehouse twenty thousan ol ars · For cisterris at the navy-yard at Mare Island, Oaliforni fort -six _ *1 Y thousand three hundred and sixty-four dollars;