Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/656

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 392. 1887. 623 dollars; chief clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; two law clerks, at two thousand two hundred dollars each; three inspectors of surveyors-general and district land-offices, at two thousand dollars each; recorder, two thousand dollars; three principal clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; two law examiners, at two thousand dollars each; thirty-nine clerks of class four; fifty-six clerks of class three; sixtyseven clerks of classtwo; seventy-three clerks of class one; fifty clerks, at one thousand dollars each; and nity-two copyists; eight assistant messenger; twelve laborers; and six packers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; in all, four hundred and eightyaseven thousand and fifty dollars. For per diem in lieu of subsistence of inspectors and of clerks de- Per diem, ctc., tailed to investigate fraudulent land-entries, trespasses on the public i¤¤P¤¤t¤¤‘¤- lands, and cases of official misconduct, while traveling on duty, at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior, not exceeding three dollars per day, and for actual necessary expenses of transportation, ten thousand dollars. For law-books for the law library of the General Land Office, five hun- Law books. dred dollars. For connected and separate United States and other maps prepared Maps. in the General Land Office, seven thousand dollars. _ INDIAN Orrrcn.-For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian C 1***1}**}* Om": Atiairs, four thousand dollars; assistant commissioner, who shall also °""'""'°"°"’°l°‘ perlbrm the duties of chief clerk, three thousand dollars; one financial clerk at two thousand dollars; chief of division, at two thousand dollars; one principal hookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; five clerks of class four, one of whom shall have charge of the educational division; eight clerks of class three; one draughtsman, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one stenographer, at one thousand six hundred dollars; ten clerks of class two; fifteen clerks of class one; nine clerks, at one thousand dollars each; twelve copyists; one messenger; two assistant messengers; one laborer; one messenger-boy, at three hundred and sixty dollars; two charwomen, at two hundred and forty dollars each; in all, ninety-three thousand three hundred and eighty dollars. _ PENSION OFFIGE.-For compensation of the Commissioner of Pen- Pension OEM sions, ive thousand dollars; first deputy commissioner, three thousand C°““'“’°'°¤°*»°*°- six hundred dollars; second deputy commissioner, three thousand six hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; assistant chief clerk, two thousand dollurs; medical referee, three thousand dollars; assistant medical referee, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; two qualified surgeons who shall be experts in their profession, at two thousand dollars each; eighteen medical examiners who shall be surgeons of education, skill, and experience in their profession, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each ; twelve chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; law clerk, two thousand dollars; forty-flve principal examiners, for Review Board, at two thousand dollars each; twenty-four assistant chiefs ·ot' division, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; three stenographers: at one thousand six hundred dollars each; seventy-four clerks of class four; ninety-tive clerks of class three; three hundred and seventy- two clcrks of class two; three hundred and sixty-one clerks of class one; two lmndred clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one superintendent of buildings, one thousand four hundred dollars; two engineers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; eighty-tive coypists; twenty five messengers; twenty messenger boys at four hundred dollars each; one captain of the watch, eight hundred and forty dollars; three sergeants of the watch, at seven hundred and fifty dollars each; twenty watchmen; three firemen; twenty-five laborers; and five charwomen, at four hundred dollars each; in all, one million eight hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.