Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/75

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40 FORTY-NDI TH QONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 333. 1886. cattle, lands, and in making improveruents thereon, as m his Judgment may seem best for said Indians, ten thousand dollars; and of this amount, if the Secretary shall deem it to be for the best interests of said Indians, seven hundred and twenty dollars may be expended to pay a practical farmer for instructing said Indians in agriculture; in all, one million five hundred and twentyeight thousand nine hundred dollars. Sioux, Yankton sroux, YANKr0N rams. tribe. ‘ For eight of ten installments, third series, to be paid to them or ex- Vol. 11, p.7·u. pended for their benefit, per iburth article of treaty of April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, twentyfive thousand dollars; _ Subsistence one For subsistence and civilization of two thousand Yankton Sioux, ¤iViii=¤ti¤¤· heretofore provided for in appropriations under •‘ Fulfilling treaty with v°’· 1°· P·°S7‘ Sioux of dih`erent tribes," thirty-five thousand dollars; in all, sixty thousand dollars. C¤¤f¤<1¤r¤¤¤<1 cornvnnnnlfrnn mums or urns. bands of Utes. Carpenters, etc. For pay of two carpenters, two millers, two farmers, and two black- V°l· 13· 1*675- smiths, as per tenth article of treaty of October seventh, eighteen hunv°l‘15’P‘622‘ dred and sixty-three, and fifteenth article of treaty of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars; - For pay of two teachers, as per same article of same treaty, one thousand eight hundred dollars; · For purchase of iron and steel, and the necessary tools for blacksmith — Vol. 15, p.621. shop, per ninth article of same treaty, two hundred and twenty dollars; For eighteenth of thirty installments, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for clothing, blankets, and such v,;_ u;, v_6g_ other articles as he may deem proper and necessary, under eleventh article of same treaty, thirty thousand dollars; Food. For annual amount, for the purchase of beef, mutton, wheat, flour, _ V0}- 15. P·6!2- beans, and potatoes, or other necessary articles of food, as per twelfth article of same treaty, thirty thousand dollars; Employees at For pay of employees at the several Ute agencies, five thousand dolngwcies- lars; in all, seventy-three thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. Winnehagou. WINNEIIAGOES. !¤¤¤f¤¤¢· For interest on eight hundred and four thousand nine hundred and nine dollars and seventeen cents, at five per centum per annum, per Vvi-T. 11-645- fourth article of treaty of N ovembcr first, eighteen hundred and thirty- Vol.12, p.62s. seven, and joint resolution of July seventeenth, eighteen hundred and . sixty-two, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to expend said interest for the support, education, and civilization of said Indians, forty thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars and forty- ve cents;' ‘ vo; w, p_355_ For interest on seventy-eight thousand three hundred and forty dollars and forty-one cents, at. live per cenrum per annum, to be expended. under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for the erection of houses, improvement of their allotments of land, purchase of stock, · agricultural implements, seeds, and other beneficial objects, three thousand nine hundred and seventeen dollars and two cents; in all, forty- four thousand one hundred and sixty-two dollars and forty-seven cents. VM urns. Rewards for For sixth of ten installments to be distributed at thei 5°°d °’°'°¤¤h*P· the President, to such Ute Indians as distinguish,themselgle;crl;By (gland sense, energy, and perseverance in the pursuits of civilized life and in the promotion of a good understanding between the Indians and the Government and people of the United States, tour thousand dollars.