Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/79

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44 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 333. 1886. cluding rent of warehouses and pay of necessary employees; advertising, at rates not exceeding regular commercial rates; inspection and all other expenses connected therewith, including telegraphing, forty thousand dollars. Transportation Transportation of Indian supplies: For this amount, for necessary °f °“PPh°°· expenses of transportation of such goods, provisions, and other articles for the various tribes of Indians provided for by this act, including pay and expenses of transportation agents, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Homestesds. For this amount, to enable Indians to avail themselves of the beneiits of the homestead act, five thousand dollars. Allotments in For survey and subdivision of Indian reservations and of lands to be severalty. allotted to Indians, and to make allotments in severalty, to be expended by the Commissioner of Indian Aifairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand dollars. Ng gqfigtigug To enable the Secretary of the Interior to negotiate with the several with Cbippqwan, tribes and bands of Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota for if-• *}’;r;';1!m°°’ such modification of existing treaties with said Indians and such change °° ° "' of their reservation as may be deemed desirable by said Indians and the Secretary of the Interior, and as to what sum shall be a just and equitable liquidation of all claims which any of said tribes now have upon the Government; and also to enable said Secretary to negotiate with the various bands or tribes of Indians in Northern Montana and at Fort Berthold, in Dakota, for a reduction of their respective reservations, or for removal theretrom to other reservations; and also to enable said Secretary to negotiate with the Upper and Middle bands of Spokane Indians and Pond d’Oreilles Indians, in Washington and Idaho Territories, for their removal to the Colville, J ocko, or Coeur d’Alene reservations, with the consent of the Indians on said reservations; and also ` to enable said Secretary to negotiate with said Indians for the cession of their lands to the United States; and also to enable said Secretary to negotiate with the Clqmr d’Alene Indians for the cession of their lands outside the limits of the present Cmur d’Alene reservationto the United States, fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be immediately available; but no agreement made shall take elfect until ratified by Congress. indian_ depreda- Indian-depredation claims: For continuing the investigation and ex- 3::iu°1°i*:¤:*é·£°:; amination of certain Indian-depredation claims originally authorized, - mm g g and in the manner therein provided for, by the Indian appropriation v0;,;;;, P_;;1(;_ act approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-tive, twenty thousand dollars; and the examination and report shall include claims, if any, barred by statute, such fact to be stated in the report; and all Re po r t t o b o claims whose examination shall be completed by January iirst, eighteen Uillxlggby J¤¤¤•ry hundred and eighty-seven, shall then be reported to Congress, with the • · opinions and conclusions of the Commissioner of Indian Adairs and the Secretary of the Interior upon all material facts, and all the evidence and papers pertaining thereto. mgcglpp 0 r t 0 f FOR SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. Pay hud indus- For support of Indian da and industrial schools and f r - tml ¤<=h°<>l§» •*¤· cational purposes not hereinafter provided for, sii: hundredtgsd gdftly "C<;*:g¤¤¤¤¤ Md thousand dolIars· for the construction and repair of school buildings, Igorés, mma fifty-five thousand dollars; and for purchase of horses, cattle and sheep ,t,,_ ’ goats, and swine for schools, ten thousand dollars; in all seven hundred ryoqsror. i and ntteen thousand dollars : Provided, That the entire cost of any buglglngf ¤¤• ¤f boarding-school building to be built from the moneys appropriated hereby, including furniture, shall not exceed ten thousand dollars · and the entire cost of any day-school building to be so built shall Vacations. not exceed six hundred dollars: And provided further, That the school year of the Indian schools herein appropriated for shall be held to include all usual and necessary vacations: And procidedfunhcr, That the