Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1052

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 413. 1889. 1007 in_whole or part, of any execution issued u on said judgment, maintain an action in_his own name upon the hond of Said pawnbroker 1n any court having jurisdiction, of the amount claimed, provided such court shall, upon application made for the purpose, grant such leave to prosecute. SEQ. 4. That every plawnbroker shall keep a book in which shall Bwk of ¢+¤¤¤i<>¤ of be fairly written, at the time of each loan, an accurate account and g°i?:»€£iiiiikFsfm“" - description of the goods, article, or thing pawned or pledged, the amount of money loaned thereon, the time of pledging the same, the rate of interest to be paid on such loan, and the name and residence of the person pawning or pledging the said goods, article, or thing, together with a particular description of such erson. including complexion. color of eyes and hair, and his or her height and general appearance. , . Sec. 5. That every pawnbroker, shall, at the time of each loan Memomudum one deliver to the person pawning or ledging any goods, article, or thing °"’°‘ a memorandum or note. signed lay him or her, containing the substance of the entry required to be made in his or her book by the last preceding section, excepting as to the description of the person and no charge shall be made or received by any pawnbroker for any such entry, memorandum or note. Sec. 6. That the said book shall hB<><>k to be om to at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of the Commission- t ° °°th°"°'°”“ ers of the District of Columbia, all judges of criminal courts, major and superintendent of police, captains of police of the city of Washington, District of Co umbia, or any or either of them, or of any po iceman who shall be duly authorized in writing for that purpose y any or either of them. and who shall exhibit such written authority to such pawnbroker. Sec. 7. That no pawnbroker shall ask, demand, or receive any mlqevgimum mworm greater rate of interest than twenty-four per centum, per annum u n °° I°°‘”' any loan not exceeding the sum of twenty-five dollars, or more then twelve per centum per annum upon any loan exceedin the sum of twenty five dollars, under the penalty of one hundred dollars for every such onense. Sec. 8. That no pawnbroker shall sell any lpawn or pledge until the Goods w remain in same shall have remained one year in his or er possession. unless by §`§}’ °"° y"°" °°f°”° consent in writing of the pawner; and all such sales s1i;i11 be made at public auction and not otherwise. and shall be made or conducted by such auctioneers as shall be designated and approved of for that purpose by the Commissioners of the District of olumbia. Sec. 9. That notice of every such sale shall be published for at least Notice or sale. enc. six days previous thereto, in one or more of the daily newspapers of neral circulation printed in the city of Wasliixxgton, District of Chlumbia, and such notice shall specify the time and place at which such sale is to take place, the name of the auctioneer by whom the same is to be conducted, and a description of the articles to be sold. Sec. 10. That the surplus money, if any. arising from any such otvsgosol of surplus sale. after deducting the amount of the loan, the interest then due ‘ on the same, and the expenses of the advertisement and sale, shall be paid over by the pawnbroker to the erson who would be entitled to redeem the~ pledge in case no such sale had taken place. SEC 11 That no pawnbroker shall make any loan on the separate Lo¤¤for¤idd¤¤- or divided part or parts of any one article or t ing, and which article or thing shall have been offered entire or collectively to him or her by way of awn or pledge. SEG 12. That no pawnbroker shall. under any pretense whatever, Purchases forbiddcopurchase or buy any secondhand furniture, metals, or clothes, or , any other article or thin whatever offered to him or her as a pawn or ledge, except at salelypublic auction. as hereinbefore provided. disc. 13. That any pawn roker who shall violate or neglect or re- rwm for violv fuse to comply with any or either of the provisions of this act, except ‘*°“‘·