Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/107

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 47. 1888. 6] Robinson and Suydam, two hundred and sixty-four dollars and mfgémfgt SOV(-Blllly-HVG C811i1S; Claims—C0nti(nucd. 0 Vermilye and Com any, twenty-two thousand three hundred and sixty-nine dollars and)twenty-four cents ; Litchfield, Dana and Stimson, two thousand and sixty-five dollars and seventy-three cents; Falls and Tileston, one hundred and sixty-seven dollars and sixty- eight cents; Bacon Brothers and Starr, one thousand eight hundred and twenty- four dollars and twenty-seven cents; Farnham, Gilbert and Company, three thousand and fifty dollars and two cents; Tillinghast and \Voolsey, one hundred and eighty-one dollars and twenty-eight cents; W. E. Tillinghast, nine hundred and twenty dollars and forty-one cents; G. S. Bowdoin, eight hundred and fift -six dollars and ninety cents; H. Kennedy and Company, three thousand eight hundred and thirty-four dollars and thirty-one cents; · R. W. Martin, junior, and Company, two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and njnety-seven cents; Gould, Strong and Company, Eve hundred and forty-nine dollars and thirty-six cents; Emily Wrightman, administratrix of John Wrightman, four thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars; Frederick Frerichs, ten thousand one hundred and thirty dollars and thirt -one cents, with interest at five per centum from March tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six; George E. Hendee, eight thousand one hundred and seventy-eight dollars and one cent, with interest at ive per centum from March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven; T0 pay interest, at five per centum per annum, under section one inmm. thousand and ninety of the Revised Statutes, in certain judgements R·S‘·”°·1°°°*p·2°°· rendered by the Court of Claims and heretofore paid in the principal sums, namely: James C. Saunders, interest from Mav twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, to February twelfth, eighteen, hundred a11d eighty-seven, on judgement for one t ousa11d six hundred a11d twenty- seven dollars, fifty-seven dollars and seventy-two cents; Sarah E. Ramsay, widow in community, and Anna E. Wagiier, heir of G. Alexander Ramsay, interest from May twenty-seventh. eighteen hundred and eighty-six, to May eleventh eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, on `udgement for one thousand seven hundred dollars, eighty-one dollars and twenty-seven cents; The Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Com any, interest from May first, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, to February fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, on judgement for fifty-one thousand three hundred and fifty-one dollars and ninety-one cents, four thousand six hundred and seven dollars and sixty cents; George K. Otis, interest from May twentieth. eighteen hundred and eighty-five, to February seventeenth. eightee11 hundred and eighty-seven, on judgement for sixteen thousand four hundred and forty-five dollars and thirty-six cents, one thousand four hundred and thirty-seven dollars and twenty-eight cents; in all, four hundred and fifty-five thousand two hundred and seventy-three dollars; Pro- Pr<>vM vided, That none of the judgements herein provided for shall be paid until the right of ap eal shall have expired. Appeal Sec. 2. That for the payment of the claims certified to be due by claims allowed by the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Office Department under smh A“d"°”‘ the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and eight -three. V·>¤~22,1>-600- or under appropriations the balance of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section five of