Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/112

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66 FIFTIETI-I CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 47. 1888. ruin claims 4- INTERIOR DEPARTMENT (INDIAN; CLAIMS ALLOWED BY 3.·'LL”g§c$"°,§$°¤g,*,`LTl"{,. THE SECOND AUDITOR AND SE ON D COMPTROLLER. mm-. Indinnagems For pay of Indian agents, eighteen hundred and eighty-five and prior years, one hundred and eighty-three dollar and seventy-seven t . Oregon. incidental CME; incidental expenses Indian service in Oregon, eighteen hun- “’°"”°”‘ dred and eighty-five and prior years, sixteen dollars. _ _ !"*•¤¤··*n •¤¤ °'·'*¤‘ For support of Flatheads and other confederated tribes, eighteen hundred and eighty-five and prior years, one hundred and twenty- five dollars and fort cents. 0¤·lis\aP•.,I¤¤¤·¤ For support of Ihdian school, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, eighteen S°°°°L hundred and eighty-five, and prior (years, except the claim numbered six hundred and eighteen in said Executive Document umber Nipety, twenty-fpur olllars aiicglolurteen can? M ht A sun-num or su rt o A es o 'zona an ew l exico, eig een '°'52'“u'°°°‘ hundred gid eightyg-dia and prior years, six hundred and nineteen dollars and sevenéy cents. wmwm- For support of alla-Walla, Cayuse, and Umatilla tribes, eighteen "'“*‘“‘“U hundred and eighty-five and prior years, one hundred and sixty- three dollars and twenty cents. masmmmnatus For survey of Indian reservations, eighteen hundred and eighty- five and prior years, seven hundred and sixty-seven dollars. · ·n-¤¤pm¤um,mp For transportation of Indian supplies, eighteen hundred and ¥'”°* eighty-five and prior years, except the claim numbered four hundred. and t irty-three in said Executive Document Number Ninety, fifteen

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For transportation of Indian supplies, eighteen hundred and eighty- seven, forty-one thousand one undred and thirteen dollars and twEmytdIv0 d h f I d' l'ht ah Pnruh1,¢c., or e p ingan pure aseo n ian supp IGS, eg een n- pn. np dreds and edghty-seven, five hundred and sixty-four dollars and thiiity cen . rmamcmmamw- PENSION CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE THIRD AUDITOR. g,,*·@ g32T3i AND SECOND ooM1>·rRoLLEn. new-. pmm, For Army pensions, eighteen hundred and eight -v d ` um, years, except the claims numbered eight thousand ythrezahunldridgd and eighty-one and nine thousand one hundred and thirty-nine in said Executive Document Number Ninety, one hundred and forty dollars and sixty cents. Enmmhzwrscov. For fees of examining surgeons, Army pensions, eighteen hundred. and eighty-five and prior years, nineteen dollars. ¤¤¤¤¤s¤¤¤¤v¤¤••. For contingent expenses dpension acgencies, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, twenty-nine ollars an fifty-eight cents. pv.; Department WAR DEPARTMENT CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE THIRD €·h‘{Qd"'_'{,{di‘§I,',?‘],,K’§ AUDITOR AND SECOND COMPTROLLER. Second Comptroller. ouumn., ee, For observation and re}port of storms, eighteen hundred and eighty- "°""· {tive pnd prior yiears, t ree hundred and seventy-six dollars and wen y-seven cen s. Miknvtelcsrnph. For maintenance and repair of milit tele h l' s, e' ht hundred and eighty-nve and prior yegg fifteglnaldollagg ani? sigtey cen s. B$¤*>¢•¤¤¢¤,- ¤*¢¤¤ For Signal Service, subsistence, eight h dred dht -5 ` and prior years, three hundred and gftyggfbmudiallamjiu mg y ve Supplies. Sian! For Signal Service, regular suptplies, eighteen hundred and eighty- S"""" five and prior years, twenty-five ollars and fourteen cents.