Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1361

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1320 Firrinrn oowennss. sESS. 11. ou. 489. 1889. Kentucky KENTUCKY. To John Alcorn, Bullitt County, twenty dollars. To B. C. Ma , administrator of Armstead Burchett, Floyd County, ninety-five dollars. To James M. Bell, McCracken County, three hundred dollars. To William Burns, Owsley County, one hundred dollars. To John W. Conway, executor of Thomas Conway,. deceased, Union County, five hundred dollars. To S. A. W alton, administrator of Uriah Dunn, deceased, Garrard County, one hundred and fifty dollars. To Archille Dubourg, J eiferson County, two hundred and eighty- four dollars and sixt cents. To Henry P. Dowdry, Graves County, one hundred and eighty- five dollars. To K. R. Flournoy, administrator of G. A. Flournoy, deceased, McCracken County, three hundred dollars. d To Squire Groves, Boone County, one hundred and twenty-five 0 lars. ' To George E. Gates, administrator of Elisha Gates, deceased, Nelson County, eighty-nve dollars. · d To William Gardner, McCracken County, one hundred and fifty o lars. To W. A. Cooke. administrator of James W. Gorin, deceased, Jefferson County, ninety-five dollars. · __ To John A. Leadbetter, administrator of Franklin Gipson, deceased, Hen erson County, sixty-nve dollars. _ To G. W. Vance, administrator of Samuel Isaac, deceased, Floyd County, one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents. To Lew. King, administrator of Paul King deceased, Harrison Count , one hundred and fifty dollars. To T. Balinger, administrator of John H., Richard, deceased, Graves County, four hundred and twenty-five dollars. - To Adaline Shaw, widow of James Shaw, deceased, Henderson Count , fift ·six dollars. To john Miller, administrator of C rus B. Senseney, deceased, Trigg County, one hundred and fifty dollars. To Lucy Spicer, executrix of William Spicer, deceased, Hopkins Count , two hundred and thirty dollars. To William Sparks, administrator of J . Wesley Sparks, deceased, Harrison County, thirty-eight dollars and twenty-two cents. To J olm B. Tadlock, administrator of Cynthia Tadlock, deceased, Boyle County, sixty dollars. 1¤¤¤¤¤rr MISSOURI. To Mason S. Brockman, Sarah A. Brockman, Julia F. Scott, and David W. Steele, heirs at law of Willis Brockman, deceased, Cooper Count , one hundred and fifteen dollars and thirty-six cents. To Jlhhn S. Denham and George W. Denham, executorsof Samuel Denham, deceased, Boone County, one hundred and fifty dollars. To William Wendleton, administrator of Elijah Combs, deceased, Morgan County, sixty-four dollars. To J. W. Ebert, Monitean County, thirt dollars. To Mary I. McElyea, widow of G. W. l\l7cElyea, deceased, Dunklin County, sixteen dollars. · To Edward P. Settle, administrator of Thomas D. Morrison, deceased, Iron County, one hundred and forty-four dollars and eighty· cen s. To Nancy J. Pomroy, administratrix of Cicero McGinty, deceased, Howell County, sixty-two dollars and fifty cents.