Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1406

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CON\ ENTION OF LISBON. MARCH 21, 1885. 1367 ' 22. 22. Il est ajoute apres Particle After Article XXIXanew arti- XXIX un nouvel article ainsi cle is added, reading as fellows concu: Airricnn XXIX bis. Airricmn XXIX bis. A¤¤i¤1¤XX1X¤i¤· Statistique génémle. General Statistics. S*¤¤S¤¢¤— 1. Chaque Administration fait 1. Each Administration trans- Ywly reportsparvenir,ala fin du mois de juillet mits at the end of the month of echaque annee,auBureau inter- July of each year, to the Inter- ° national, une serie aussi com- national Bureau, a series of staplete que possible de renseigne- tistical data, as complete as osments statistiques se rapportant sible, relating to the preceding at l’annee precedente, sous forme year, in the form of tables conde tableaux conformes ou ana- forming to or analogous with the lpguei aux modeles ci—annexes I, models I, K and Lannexed hereto. e . 2. Les olperations de service qui 2. The operations of the service 01><=wti¤¤S· donnent ieu a enregistrement in which each transaction is refont l’objet de releves periodi- corded, formthesubjectof periodques, d’apres les ecritures eifec- ical statements, based upon the tuées. entries made. 3. Pour toutes les autres opera- 3. As regards all other opera- Exchanges. tions il est procede a un denom- tions a count is made, during one brement, pendant une semaine au week at least for daily exchanges, moins pour les echanges quoti- and during four weeks for exdiens, et pendant quatre se- changes other than daily, leaving maines pour les echanges non it optional with each Adminisquoticliens, avec faculte pour tration to make a separate count chaque Administration de faire for each category of correspondun denombrement Séparé pour ence. chaque catégorie de correspondances. -1. Est reserve a chaque Admi- 4. There is reserved to each Ad- counts. nistration le droit de proceder a ministration the right to make ce denombrement aux epoques this count at periods which come qui se rapprochent le plus de la nearest to the average of its postal moyenne e son trafic postal. traiiic. 5. Le Bureau international est 5. I`he International Bureau is P**¤¤¤¤s< ¤=¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤- charge de faire im rimer et de charged with the dutv of printdistribuer les formules de statisti- in a11d distributin(g the statistiquearem lir par chaque Adminis— cal forms to be iille out by each 1Sl31‘3.tlOI\.}ll est chargé,en outre,de Administration. It is, likewise, fournir aux Administrations ui obliged to furnish to the Adminisen feront la demande, toutes (les trations which may make the rexndications necessaires sur les re- quest `l the necessary instrucgles at suivre pour assurer, autant tions relative to the rules to be que possible, Puniformite des followed, to insure, as far as posoperations de statistique. sible, the uniformity of the statistical operations. LG §7 de Particle XXX est mo- Paragraph 7 of Article XXX is Mme XXX- difié comme suit ; modified as follows: _ _ _ _ 7. Dans lesquestionsarésoudre 7. In questions to be decided mQ,§_°"*’°“ °‘ ‘¥“°* pir Passentiment unanime ou par by unanimous assent, or by_ the . majorite des Administrations majority of the Union Adminis-