Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1416

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PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. MARCH 20, 1883. 1377 ARTICLE IX. ARTICLE IX. Every production bearing, un- Tout roduit ortant illicite- , S°i?“’°. °‘ °’“°*‘*S lawfully, a trade or commercial mont une) marqugde fabrique ou uifrlggrglg traded mark, or a commercial name, may de commerce, ou un nom commerbe seized upon importation into cial, pourra etre saisi a l’importhose of the States of the Union tation dans ceux des Etats de in which such mark or such com- l’Union dans lesquels cette marque mercial name has a right to legal ou ce nom commercial ont droit a protection. la rotection legale. The seizure shall take place Lia saisie aura lieu a la requete either at the instance of the pub- soit du Ministere public, soit de lic prosecutor or of the interested la partie interessee, conformement party, conformably to the domes- a la legislation interieure de tic legislation of each State. chaque Etat. ARTICLE X. ARTICLE X. The provisions of the receding Les dispositions de l’article pre- APP“°°**°¤- article shall be applicable to every cedent seront applicables a tout production bearing falsely as in- produit portant faussement, comdication of origin, the name of a me indication de provenance, le stated locality, when this indica- nom d’une localite déterminee, tion shall be joined to a fictitious lorsque cette indication serajointe commercial name or a name bor- a un nom commercial fictif ou emrowed with fraudulent intention. prunte dans une intention frauuleuse. Is reputed interested party every Est repute partie interessee tout manu acturer or trader enga ed fabricant ou commercant engage in the manufacture or sale of giis dans la fabrication ou le comproduction, when established in merce de ce produit, et etabli dans the locality falsely indicated as la localite faussement indiquée the place of export. comme provenance. Anrromc XI. Anrioma XI. The High Contracting parties Les Hautes Parties contrac- t,_f;{§'*;Q§°“¤{°e*j{f,;j engage between themselves to ac- tantes s’engagent a accorder une tions: " cord a temporary protection to protection temlporaire aux invenpatentable inventions, to indus- tions brevetab es, aux dessins ou trial designs or models, as well as modeles industriels, ainsi qu’aux to trade or commercial marks for marques de fabrique ou de comthe producti ns, which may fig- merce, pour les produits qui finre at officiail or officially recog- gureront aux Exlpositions intermzed International Exhibitions. nationales officiel es ou officielle- , ment reconnues. Anricnm XII. Arrrxcma XL. _ Each one of the High Contract- Chacune des Hautes Parties s,,I,'$§,*f,’j“““ P’°*’°"' mg parties engages to establish a contractantes sfengage a etablir special service of Industrial Prop- un service special e a Propriéte erty and a central depot, for industrielle et un depot central giving information to the public, ur la commxmication au public concerning patents of invention, des brevets d’invention, des desindustrial designs or models and sins ou modeles industriels et des trade or commercial marks. marques de fabrique ou de commerce. suur L-—··VOL xxv--87