Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1434

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POSTAL CONVENTlON—JAlVIAICA. JULY 22, 1887. 1395 Wag, or otherwise, as may be mutually provided by regulations hereun er. Each country shall promptly return empty to the dis atchin office by next ma1l,.all such bags and boxes, but subject topother gegulations between the two administrations. Although articles admitted under this Convention will be transmitted as aforesaid between the exchange offices, they should be so · carefully packed as to be safely transmitted in the open mails of X e1ther country, both in going to the exchange office in the country of origin and to the office of a dress in the country of destination. _ach dispatch of a parcel-post mail must be accompanied by a de- Waybill. scnptive hst, in dup cate, of all the packages sent, showing distmctly the list num er of each parcel, the name of the sender, the name of the addressee with address of destination, and the declared contents and value; and must be inclosed in one of the boxes or sacks of such dispatch. (See Model 3 annexed hereto.) Anrionn VIII. As soon as the mail shall have reached the office of destination, R¤•¤¤iv¢¤¢ miithat office shall check the contents of the mail. · In the event of the parcel bill not having been received a substitute should be at once prepared. . Any errors in the entries on the parcel bill which may be discovered, should, after verification by a second officer, be corrected and noted for report to the dispatching office on a form, "Veriiication certificate," which should e sent in the especial envelope. If a parcel advised on the bill be not receiv , after the non-receip; has been verified by a second officer, the entry on the bill should canceled, and the fact re orted at once. ‘ If a parcel be observed) to be insufficiently prepaid, it must not be taxed with deficient postage, but the circumstance must be reported on the verification certificate form. Should a arcel be received in a damaged or imperfect condition, full particulars should be reported on the same form. _ If no verification certificate or note of error be received, a parcel mail shall be considered as· duly delivered, having been found on examination correct in all respects. — Amxcnn IX. If a package cannot be delivered as addressed, or is refused, the Failure of delivers: sender will be communicated with through the central admimstration of the office of destination, as to the manner in which he desires the package to be disposed of, and if no reply is received from him within a period of three months from the ate of the notice, the package _ may be sold for the benefit of whom it may concern. _ _ An order for redirection or reforwarding must be accompanied by R“‘°"""““""K· the amount due for postage necessary for the return of the art1cle to the office of origin, at the ordinary parcel rates. , _ _ _ when the contents of a parcel which can not be dehvered are liable algségggfegf P¤·’¤h· to deterioration or corruption, the may be destroyed at once,_ 1f Hwessary, or if erpgdieut, sold, witllout previous notice or Judicial formality, for the nent of the right person, the particulars of each sale being noticed by one post-office to the other. Anrionn X. The Post-Oflice Department of either of the contracting countries Ncxggmqm will not be responsib e for the los or damage of any packa , and l°'”°' · ‘ po indemnitycan consequentlybe claimed by the sender or addiessee m either country.