Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/145

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 206. 1888. 99 Sec. 13. That any Indian receiving and entitled to rations and an- mf’;_di**¤j¤<>¤ residing nnities at either of the agencies mentioned in this act at the time the ewhwvu wm same shall take effect, but residing u on any portion of said Great Reservation not included in either of the separate reservations herein established, may, at his option, within one year from the time when this act shall take edect, and within one year after he has been notihed _of his said right of option in such manner as the Secretary of the In gterior shall direct by recording his election with the proper agent at { the agency to which he belongs, have the allotment to which he would be otherwise entitled on one of said se arate reservations upon the land where such Indian may then reside, such allotment in all other respects to conform to the allotments hereinbefore provided. Each member of the Ponca tribe of Indians now occup ing a part of AU°*mc¤t*¤P<>¤c¤¤· the old Ponca Reservation, within the limits of the said, Great Sioux Reservation, shall be entitled to allotments upon said old Ponca Reservation as follows: To each head of a family, one-quarter of a section; to each single person over eighteen years of age, one—eigl1th of a section; to each orphan child under eighteen years of age, oneeighth of a section; and to each other person under eighteen years of age now living, one sixteenth of a section, with title thereto and rights under the same in all other res ects conforming to this act. And said Poncas shall be entitled to all other benefits under this act in the same manner and with the same conditions as if they were a art of the Sioux Nation receiving rations at one of the agencies herein named. When the allotments to the Ponca tribe of Indians and to such other Indians as allotments are provided for by this act shall have been made upon that portion of said reservation which is described in the act entitled "An act to extend the northern boundary of the State of Nebraska ”, approved March twenty-eighth, eight- *70122, e36- een hundred and eight -two, the President shall, in pursuance of said act, declare that the Indian title is extinguished to all lands described in said act not so allotted hereunder, and thereupon all of said land not so allotted and included in said act of Marc twenty- 0plg;*{;SS;&]é*;Icgl¤;=;Sk¤ eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, shall be open to settle- ' ment, as provided in this act : Provided, That the allotments to P>·v¤#=~<>. Ponca and other Indians authorized by this act to be made upon the land described in the said act entitled "An act to extend the northern boundary of the State of Nebraska," shall be made within six m§,§l‘{§Y,i€"°S¤iiI¤b°° months from the time this act shall take edect.m° Sec. 14. That in cases where the use of water for irrigation is nec- Irrizmion. essary to render the lands within any Indian reservation created by this act available for agricultural purposes, the Secretar of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to prescribe such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary to secure a just and equal distribution thereof among the Indians residing upon any such Indian reservation created by this act; and no other appropriation or grant of water by any riparian proprietor shall be authorized or permitted to the dama e of any other riparian proprietor. Sec. 15. {hat if any Indian has, under and in conformity with the R¤¤¤c¤¢i<>¤ of prior provisions of the treaty with the Great Sioux Nation concluded April “‘u°"““°"· twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and proclaimed by the President February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixt - nine, or any existing law, taken allotments of land within or with- "°*- 15· v- 65 out the limits of any of the separate reservations established by this act. such allotments are hereby ratified and made valid, and such Indian is entitled to a patent therefor in conformity with the provisions of said treaty and existing law and of the provisions of this act in relation to patents for individual allotments. Sec. 16. That the acceptance of this act by the Indians in manner Acccpfancc of this and form as required by the said treaty concluded between the dif- iiiiéf ’°1€““ mmm ferent bands of the Sioux Nation of Indians and the United States, April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and pro·