Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1464

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PROTECTIU) UF SL BJIARIBE CABLES. Dncmusnn 1, 1886. 1425 ‘ Il est egalement entendu que It is likewise understood that D·**m&~S'*S· Particle 4 de la Convention n’a eu Article IV of the convention d’autre but et ne doit avoir d`au- has no other object and is to have tre etfet que de charger les tribu- no other effect than to charge the naux competents de chaque Pays competent tribunals of each counderésoudre, conforinémentaleurs try with the determination conlois et suivant les circonstances. la formably to their laws and acquestion delaresponsabilite civile cording to circumstances, of the u proprietaire d`un cable, qui, question of the civil responsibility par a pose ou la reparation de ce of the owner of a cable. who, bv cable, cause la rupture ou la de- the laying or repairing of such térioration d`un autre cable, de cable, causes the breaking or inmeme que les_ consequences de jury of another cable, and also of cette responsabilite, s 1 est recon- the consequences of that responnu qu el e eniste. sibility, if it is found to exist. Fait a Paris, le 1°' decembre 1 886 Done at Paris, December 1. 1886, et le 23 mars 1887, pour l’Alle- and March 23, 1887, for Germany. ‘ magne. Ronmcr M. MoLA1vE. CRISANTO MEMNA. sigmum. Muxsrrzn. N. S. DELYANNI. José C. PAz. L. L. MENABREA. GoLUoHoWsKI. HARA. Bnvmxs. ESSAD. Amxos. · A. DE STUERS. R. FERNANDEZ. Conrn on VALLBoM. MoLrKE-Hvrrrmnnr. V. ALECSANDRI. ~ EMANUEL my AIJMEDA. KOTZEBUE. J. L. ALBAREDA. E. Pnorou. C. DE Fnnvonmr. » J. MAR1NovrrcH. LYONS. C. LEWENHAUPT. J UAN J. DIAZ. Profocole de cldfurc. Final Protocol. Les soussignés, Plénipotentr The unders§ned, Plenipoten- Finalpwwcoh aires des Gouvernements signa- tiaries of the overnments, partaires de la Convention du 14 ties to the Convention of March mars 188-1, pour la protection des 14, 1884, for the protection of subcables sous-marins, reunisaParis marine cables, having met at a l`effet d’arreter, conformément Paris for the tpurpose o fixing. in a Particle 16 de cet acte interna- pursuance o Article 16 of that tional. la date de la mise a exécu- international instrument, a date tion de la dite Convention, sont for putting the said convention convenus de ce qui suit: into execution, have agreed upon the following: I.———La Convention internatio- I. The International Conven- me or operation. nale du 14 mars 1884 pour la pro- tion of March 14, 1884, for the tectiou des cables sous-marins protection of submarine cables, entrera en vi eur le 1°’ mai 1888, shall go into operation on the 1st sous la condition toutefois, qu’a day o May, 1888, provided, howcette date ceux des Gouverne· ever, that at that date those of ments contractants qui n’ont pas the contracting Governments encore ado te les mesuresprévues that have not yet adopted the _ par Particlg 12 dudit acte interna- measures provided for by Article tional se seront conformés a cette 12 of the said international instipulation. strument. shall have conformed to that stipulation. _ . U-——Lesdispositionsqueles dits II. The measures which shall A¤¤·f¤¢¤¤f¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤~ Etats auront prises eu execution have been taken by the said States sum L--VOL xxv-—-90