Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1505

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·1-166 ooxvnxrrox-Exonxxens. MARCH 15, 1886. Sa Majeste l’Empereur du Bré- His Majesty the Emperor of sil, Mr. le Comte de Villeneuve, Brazil, The Count de Villeneuve, Son Envoyé Extraordinaire et His Envoy Extraordinary and Ministre Plenipotentiaire pres Sa Minister Plenipotentiary near His Majeste le Roi des Belges, Majesty the King of the Belgians, Sa Majesté la Reine Regente Her Majesty the Queen Regent d’Es agne, Mr. de Tavira, Charge of Spain, Mr. de Tavira, Charge d’ATaires ad interim d’Espagne d’Affaires ad-interim of Spain at a Bruxelles, Brussels, Sa Majeste le Roi d’Italie, Mr. His Majesty the King of Italy, le Marquis Maifei, Son Envoyé the Marquis Maifei, His Envoy Extraordinaire et Ministre Pleni- Extraordinary and Minister Plenpotentiaire pres Sa Majeste le Roi ipotentiary near His Majesty the es Belges, King of the Belgians, Sa Ma`este le Roi de Portugal His Majesty the King of Portuet des Allgarves, Mr. le Baron de gal and of the Algarves, the Ba- Sant’ Anna, Envoyé Extraordi- ron de Sant’ Anna, Envoy Extranaire et Ministre Pleni otentiaire ordinary and Minister Plenipode Sa Majeste Tres-Fidele, tentiary of His Very Faithful Majesty. _ Sa Majeste le Roi de Serbie, Mr. His Majesty the King of Se1·- Marinovitch, Son Envo e Ex- via, Mr. Marinovitch, His Envoy traordinaire et Ministre Hleni o- Extraordinary and Minister Plententiaire pres Sa Majeste le Hoi i otentiary near His Majesty the des Belges, King of the Belgians, Le Conseil Federal de la Con- The Federal Council of the federation Suisse, Mr. Rivier, son Swiss Confederation, Mr. Rivier _ Plenipotentiaire special its s ecial Plenipotentiary. Lesquels, apres s’etre commu- Wpho, after having communinique leurs pleins pouvoirs, cated between themselves their trouves en bonne et due forme, full wers, which are found in sont convenus des articles sui- goodgnd due form, have agreed vants : upon the following Articles: Anricmsz I. Amucnmxl.

°‘°*‘“’·g°“ Il sera etablie, dans chacun des There shall be established in

Etats contractants, un bureau each of the contracting States, a charge du service des echanges. bureau charged with the duty of the exchanges. Amucnm II. Amucnm II. ,,hQ:Q,§f’°"°“’ °" Les publications que les Etats The publications which the contractants sfengagent a echan- contracting States agree to ex- ` ger sont les suivants: change, are the following: . 1°. Les documents officiels, par- 1st. The official documents, lementaires et administratifs qui parliamentary and administrasont l1vres_ at la publicite dans le tive, which are published in the lieu d’or1g1ne. country of their origin. 2°. Les ouvrages executes par 2nd. The works executed by ordre et aux frais des Gouverne- order and at the expense of the ments. Government. Anrxcmz III. Anricnm III. ri=¢¤<>b¤pri¤¢¤<L Chaque bureau fera i1nprimer Each bureau shall cause to be ‘ la liste des publications qu’il printed a list of the publications pzeut mettre a la d1spos1tion des that it is able to place at the distats contractants. posal of the contracting States.