Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1552

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1516 INDEX. Page. lr _ Page- Committee on Appropriations, House of COHgT€SQ—COHtlH]1?d. _ _ _ Representaf1`res. _ c0mm1ttee to VISIIE Centenmal Exp0s1tion t0 prepare statement of appropriations. .587, 978 of the Ohio X alley and Central T9 Committee on Appropriations, seymre, _ _ States: . .% . és . lgo t0 prepare statement of appropr1at10r1887 978 CDH3i0g1g5x5 §?Ng;`0$_El)€HS ············· d . ... . .. 5 , ‘ . . * . . , , Cornirzitgatrii Imsestigate Aqueduct Tunnel, C£l3f;§¥giE;?Tb£%€(Slzisgllng» etc -······· 2**9v *08 Jt, . ; . ‘ 2 N eleficieniiiilapprolvriation for expenses 573 C;?;;;E;g;2€nL$2: 54* Committees.~ - · · 1 k (1 , $*6*), , . . ‘ “pp""¥2FKS£, 32Eété'. E f'? . .‘TT‘iS?f’T‘?‘TE5g, 73,; 1 q¢;;gT;;;$ggL£;z;am Mdmg, 523 session . _,..,,. 25 T _ _ _ . _ . . ft ,1. Clgrks and messengers, HOUSE an, ’ constructicntpbe under direction of Chief 523 nual , 260. 700· t Oi E¤gm€€¥`S» Army ··-·-·-·····-·· 523 session ______________ _ ______________ 260 710 con rac s . , . ._ . _ . rg Committees. Special and Select, Senate, i budding commlssmn Fl?S‘;1‘§d·_ ·-·-·-·-·· . appropriation for expenses .,.. I . .73, 708 annlmi Y€`P0l`tS by Ch]? 0 ¤gm€QI`S ···· ~ , . · resc1ssion of former contracts 523 Common Currzers(see also Interstate Com- payment Of damages _ _ _ _ ______ _ ______ : _ _ 523 m°r°?)* . plans to be submitted by the Chief of tu have prmted and post conspwuously 855 Engineers 524 schedules of rates . - - '`'‘`````'```' to pulilish notice of advances and reduc- C£;u,’_;sS$0;?$tRééd;d `'‘‘‘''`''' 524 r1rt}(;“S_“{.1`?F€$ ········ .·: ··‘‘‘ ‘t‘ ‘ ‘ 856 appropriation for printing and binding.547,979 perm t Q1 HO dung Pc’%°“S‘°“S 0 m G1" 857 deficiency appropriation for printers on 585 . l° a °€?ni‘E3r°‘i)?h. ‘‘‘‘ i ‘ ‘ ‘. Conlin and Roberts, Pums g?!] 01 Se I mg* ° assi ’ 858 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 595 exceptions, tp whom redueed or free trans- ’ t t ’ · · 1241 l u Pommon maybe g_w€n_nh_UU:_ 862 C'(?1?z’;I(!;\/$$10;;/IECB .,. . . _]ur1scl1ction of courts to compel equal fac11- a to l_iati0D‘for suvé of harbor 430 ities by, to shippers ,... 862 pp P y ’ '‘'‘ . . . Oonnectwuf, Commzztatzon of Ratzons to Prisoners of consent of C SS wboundmy between . Wvme em" . . Rhodelilsgid aud; proviso 553 deficiendy appropriation for. .68, 70, 600,6054 (yonnectiwt River Caml ¤<>·~»#s»·· W¤¤··»·,, . ’ ,0,,,, “"£L'3’¥1’,§}‘I‘£f§»i‘Tr.¥'?‘?Y‘{Y‘?'T{‘?'TYT’iiiiiii$512,3% C,£$;?_$1k?g;$M C,M_;_é'; '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘' deiciesteicapprppziadon for removing ob- 574 apprvprtigtion for pay of, deputy, c1g;·k%68 718 Connell, Mamieé ·... . _,,,, e .. ~ , · ’ · for expenses of examinations, etc . 269, 718 : °Ommut2§g£€t°" t°* wb11B on Grady GX` 119- for superintendent, clerks, etc., reclemp- Conrm Ighmi ‘‘‘‘ · ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘····· · ‘ ‘ ‘ ° tion of national currency . . . 269, 718 des-Luc ap J . ti f ,..,.7 C.mwO,,fL N Hu t · I - i (lumstgntiggpgpr pma. on or . on clehc1e$§‘ appropriation for public bu1ld—47 568 1 appmpriation for comulgeueml ath I - .250, 699 ,, », -7’ ’‘'‘‘‘‘‘'°‘``‘'’'‘‘‘‘`' ’for mterpreters and guards ,..,,.. 254 704 (Andm•, ». _ ’ · American registry granted to ... 134 ( fgffgiqlgrgaigzskor 253 703 ( 'orarlrnnranfiorz off Streets. etc., D. C., 79 C0,,8ugu,. Nm.$;mlS’ `'````'``'`' ’ O or . . --·--- 8 U aylligioprgltiiion for ,_,,,,,. . . ... 254, 704 4, · · ,0nsu ur cars, l pnynnmt to . 12-it · · . - - Cmwceele Ri:·<>r, Fla. and [Un., appmllgmmn fm transporting mmmngw 699

q>propriation for improvement of . . . 413 4 fm. '```' $49’ 699

ljouvy Lwlunzl, AZ Y., l fm. Sulhries’ " ‘' 'éw'699 light-liouse established on west side of. .792, 941 (-v `'` ·' ?' `i `'`'` , . _. . onzrular Officers not Cmzcns, Loujerleerafed Tmbes and Bands ofInd1,cms a_pHr0PI.iation for 254 703 appropriation for support, etc., or ,,__,_ 234), 995 C£;`8 ;El;;2gf*¤*1°¤ for ····-·- 0, 62. 56m 906 (fonfvreuce, International (see Intemational appropriation for prison expenses at Bang- I Conference of American Nations). kok . 255, 704 (Jun ference. International Marine, at Shanghai ... 255, 704 foreign nations to be invited to, 011 safety at Kanagawa .. . . . .255, 704 of life and property at sea . 243 in Turkev . 255, 704 ` Cmzgaree Rirer, S. C., _ for ex uses . 255. 704 appropriation for iniprovernent of ; proviso 412 i Cormular Emts. ' Congo. _ _ _ g appropriation for expenses of publication. 255, appropriation for commercial agent at ; 705 Boma .. . ... 250,699 Cons·ulcu· Service (see Diplomatic and Con· (.'0ngres.~=. _ _ _ _ _ · sular Service). appropriation for prmting and bmding: . Consulates. estimates ., c ... . . 547, 979 appropriation for clerks at ..,... 254. "O3 reserve work to be bound m sheep ... 547 » for interpreters. guards, etc .. 254, 'i04