Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1561

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INDEX. 1 325 Dist . , _ Page. Page. rect of COlUmbLGfQODt1DUOd. District of Columbia-Continued. deficiency appropriation for attorneys reduction of penalty on arrears of taxes oi‘Hce .. . . 572 paid before November 1, 1888 .. 62l for pumps .. . 572 sale of real estate for arrears of taxes $36 for lrealth department 57 2, 914 special assessments on lots F and G, square for tidal sewers ... 572 226, removed ... . 355 for street lamps . . . . . 572 summons in suits for illegal detainer of for county roads .. . .. 573 real estate . ... 247 for contingent expenses .. 573, 913, 914 temporary overhead telegraph wires perfor employing counsel, Strong arbitra.- mitted during inaugural ceremonies 1020 tion . . 573 temporary railroad tracks permitted for for water department 573,914 inaugural ceremonies .654 for expenses of joint committee to in- District of Columbia, Commissioners of the. vestigate alleged frauds in tunnel. . 573 appropriation for salaries, etc .. 314, 733 for liarbor and river front . 913 deficiency appropriation for contingent for improvements and repairs . 914 expenses, executive office . 7 for William Forsyth. surveyor . 914 authorized to change alley square 895. - . 73 for new d8-mch water-main from dis- authorized to close parts of alleys square trnbuting reservoir 914 132 .. . 355 for rent of post-oflice, Washington 923 president of the bomd a. member of comadmission of girls to Association for Works mission to locate Zoological Park . , 808 of Mercy . 554 to construct bridge across Rock Creek at arms and equipments to be issued to mili- Woodley Iene road ... 197 tm of . 627 to remove special assessments on lots F balance of appropriations may be used to and G, square 226 . 355 preserve Aqueduct tunnel . 632 contingent expenses not to be expended, Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Com- " under direction and in the sole pany may lay track into square 1025 439 discretion of " . ... 315 carnal unlawful knowledge of girls under not to make larger requisitions from the sixteen, a. felony: punishment . 658 Treasury than from District revecity post-office to be removed to Pension nues . 328 Onice building ... 524 to make regulations for plotting. etc., commissioners to make regulations for lands 451 plotting and subdividing lands in. . 451 to submit estimates for National Guard . . 780 Decoration Day to be a legal holiday . 353 to regulate licensing!/[of pawnbrokers 1006 disposal of certain fees, rents, etc ... 316 District of Columbia ilitm, extension of Belt Line street railroad - 399 organized; exemptions .. 772 of tracks of Anacostia and Potomac to be enrolled by assessors . 772 River Railroad ... . 353 duty; service ... 773 foreign representatives may acquire real President to be commnndenin-cluef; offiestate in ,. 45 cers ... . .. . . 773 Inauguration Day to be a. legal holiday. . 185 organization of active militia as National incorporation of Brightwood Railway Guard 774 Company .. . . 560 strength; infantry ; artillery; sign:;l,et,c., Eckington and Soldiers’ Home Railway corps; music .. r 774 Company . . .. 190 companies below minimum to disband. . 774 Georgetown and Teimallytown Railway commission, etc., of officers . ... 775 Company 446 non-commissioned officersz enlistment of Georgetown Barge, Dock, Elevator, and men  : . 775 Railway Company . . . . 492 oath: discharges; certnticates ... 776 Reform School for Girls . . . . 244 arms, uniforms, and equipments; cure of Rock Creek Railway Company ... 199 profperty .. 770 Washirigton and Sandy Spring Narrow returns 0 property officers ... 776 Gauge Railroad Company . 846 punishment for selling, etc., public prop- Wassliinlgrton and Western Maryland erty _ .. . . . . 777 Rai road Company 874 liability of officers for public property 777 manufacture or sale of injurious or adul- disposal of nuiservicea le property ... 777 terated articles of food prohibited. . 549 distinctive uniforms; personal property permission to la tracks, etc., to Rich- of orgnizntipns .. 777 mond and lgnnvmemlgailroavd ... 451 apshgters tgd provided . 77; pool sellin , etc., hibi in ns11mg' - i , es, encsmpments 7 ton grid Geotigetown .. 94 use of liz'!-ashirigton Barracks 778 record of wills to be prima facie evidence ordering out to suppress riots, etc 778 of their contents .. . . . . 246 excuses from duty . 778 reduction of certain assessments on real parades; rules for encampments. etc 779 estate . . .. 659 xmrice of governmental employees ,,.,., Q drawbacks to be issued . . . . 659`tary courts ... : .. • to be receivable for taxes 659 trial of enlisted men: proceedings: . 779 maximum number of trustees, joint stock allowance for expenses; band; subsistence, companies increased .. . ... 672 estimates, etc . 780 selection and service of jurors .. . . 749 regulations, etc.. mny be adopted by comcommission to be appomted by Supreme _ pemes. battalions. regiments ... 780 Court to compile, etc., statutes re- duties of officers; disciplme; general regulating to .. 872 lotions ... 781 regulations for licensing pownbrokers . . . 1006 repeal of former law . . .. . . . . 781