Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1585

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INDEX. 1549 _ _ _‘ Page. ‘ Page. Indum Schools. superaufemlenf qf—C0nt d. Indian Territory C0m·t—C011tinuad. duties; reports: as»ista11t» ... . .. 238 terms of court at Paris : return of process 786 dunes of . .. 1003 x punishment for obstructing, etc., rail- Iurliun Soldiers.road, orc .. 787 appropriation for investigating pay and l to be murder on occasioning death. . . 787 hountv claims ... . ... 520 j for injuries to telegraph, etc.. lines 787 I ml in n .'€::w,/4'vx. . for disturbing religious worship ... 787 appropnution for telegrapl1i11g and pur- { for assault with intent to rob .. 787 chasing . 233, 997 { for injuries to animal property 787 for transportation . . 997 ( for assault and battery . .. 787 deficiency appropriation for .. 13, 66. 599, 922 . _ for setting fire to woods. etc .. 788 for transportation .. 30, 66,599 - certain section not applicable between Into be purchased only after advertise- 000 dians 785 ment ... 237 1 a Indiana, purchases in case? of emergency 1002appropriation for establishing branch solxrngauon expeuchtures .. 23». 1002 chars home m Grant County .. 341 purchases from Indians ... I . 237, 1002 Indianapolis, 1mg_, aPl’¥`°1;*qgt°n:8i€;’Ll§°OdS· etc-, 1mm62E_ 1000 app1·0}iria;iopdfor additional grounds, pub- 149 9 a ····--··· - ---··--· ~ ‘• *`... diversion of certain funds pernzdtted. . .237, 1003 Indmm lc ul mg umatisfactory bids may be Elected; Open T a ro. riation for surve of lands for allot- _ market purchases .. 238, 1003 pp quant in Sevemltgi I · _ _ l r I I N _ V I · 233,998 I"g’g’}. T""{"2f°"-Q Amon for of Mge for al1otting1a,ndsin_severa1ty_ ... 223, ass Q “°%$Ht§1PSx§t€S court mpay J ’ 925 for assgystancigpp, taking lands m sever;34 998 . . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ .-.. a ; re . . . .- , ¥§2?1§%€23?£Z¤2§ CT T: 1 1 ; 1 Q 1; ; 1; 1631 = ¤¤=¤¤*i¤¤;¤¤g¤;;· Severag ¤¤·* ==$¤·**·;~¤= 8,,1 mu ummm established .‘ ... 1006 : °“"‘ *2** ‘ °· my °?"°‘ °‘ ‘“"“ · ..- marshals of United States coruts author- gg$:;gtg;1;2gii;);SC$£a;}§)izi5]é' *07 ized *0 °X°°“*** P'°°°” m · · ·. ······ 167 ~ mm m mmm com-cs . . 178 °H°m‘°s against United Suk? °f§°m'lS by enumeration of. eleventh cenéuss T 63 Indians p1mishqbleind1str1ct courts 178 * funds for Specified Employees may be proclamation forbidding purchase or sale A used fm, Others ___________________ 238 °f lands in- Claimed by Greer Coun- 1483 i land titles of, in Kausa.s,to be adjudicated . ty- Tex ·*‘·‘··‘· ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 33 n in circuit court t . . 768 Pumshmmlt fm. h°”°’ ctc" · '° m ’’ 33 may surrender land patents and recmve for ¤>bb¢¤’ and buigmy m · · · · { as · · { cam mascu auotmm .. 612 not tqsszpglgomigmcs Elie- .1ié 33 negotiation for relinquislining lands of 642 ¤·»·=~<>··¤·>¤ ¤>·=···¤i¤é i·¤»=·=¤¤¤<>¤S —--- SMéL?;£”§P3;§§tb§i§;?; §é4a;e;4;;:m,S88 _ for certain offenses in .. `. •8• · Indigent Pm_80”$’D. C-, mgm °f Way. through to Choctaw Coa 3_~ appropriation for temporary support of . . 800 hand Ridmgtgzmpmy ‘`''‘‘' 66; Industrial Ch risfian Home, Utah. 13 c a°g° Q ‘‘‘‘' 1 ‘ '_ ‘‘'‘' d Hciency appropriation for . to Fo;:n§—¤;uth and EI PSLSO RBIIW ¤)' Com' 162 Indilighqag F]; p-gt;';;? Ifonze-r1sI.i:I00iafif_£};. I _84 · · ·. ·······‘ . ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘ t ave c mrge o nc us ma mue, a 1. n t° FEW Smith' Pans md Dmdaneue .115 Imgagtrial Home School, D. Cf., Railway (?°mP*“5Yi; · · ·i€a;ii£_6é& ‘ V appmpriation for mluries and expenses.326, 806 to Iégzxspagngmy an ac ... 140 L Industrial Home, l’tnh.`_ t be _ l t

  • ° *2;: ‘é’;2$§‘;‘,$;‘“‘ L‘TY‘T’.?‘T?'T Wi M 5 "‘““""5?sB££§15§2¥é`ZL£TYT? . fT_ P ,,.._.

Indian T¤··~*¤·"#· °'m·"» - » ’ "‘i$J° "i'i2%}.’§IR}°%€2Jé2{IS'¤iZ‘£f§?‘ W establishment of district . . . . ;83 I to _¤¤<€ ri mm for · · W4 boundaries of district ... •83 d€2;*$3§¥i3}£{:';¥’ “ · ·····‘‘‘‘ I 584 “"”°"§;§‘§,Y?‘Z;J§i.- ’.E'Qi€°?; .?ii?YI??i?- éirj *° "° §‘ °L‘1{';S02f,,駑.§‘ “""i“1 CMM w ,,_,.' r· p ,.,.,. . . · - Jurnsclnctmn m offenses .. ig-I who mayifbe admmedi . U t I I UI I · _ I- I· _ ’ 584 in civil causes. . I . vi 6 _ to {hmm for Support 585 t. ‘t. between Indians. . . . . f4 de cnency app p _ _ ..--- l in) eoglqinijaing leases of live cxvxhzed •b4 0XP¢¤S€Fg tf} be audned b}' *h¢L*ah Com 585 tribes; procedure to conform to Ar- 84 I d f r1;1§0u. ... , · · ·l .. . 7 ¢s ria *0 ¤‘y· tamu, Kgggzxggw . . . 784 nixfternatioualliexuion formed for the protec- _ pmcggdingg to in English . . 1 . . . 784 tion of 13•2 gglectiqn of jurors; oath of •§•>l¤l111SS¤0¤· _Q_ Injurigug Dep0.q€ts.r\'eu.· York Harbor, em; B€]wt;.,¤; mt of jurors .. ¤»¤ forbidden; penalties .., . . 209 list to be delivered to clerk S COPY tv mm" _ , [mane Asylum (see also Government Hos- $[131 ; return ... . ..-··· - · ····- - L8'] pim] for the Insane). _ _ nujng vgcangieg ; selqctioli by IIT3Q5h8i jgappropriations for ,. . . .. . . . .02a , 961 fees ; juries of <!i¢iZ€¥}¤ W cnF“m“l1:na]s' :*86 Insane, D. C'., _ _ writs and p¥QC€§¤» BB m °"c“;tCi°utaSv;r‘ ° appropriation for support of the md1geut. 326, 806 Cmckamw bahpq gud pi}rte§st€mOcdgSt}jct Insane Cmwicts, Un ifed States, _ f(i:r'§;a.sdwm0u 0 786 E deficiency appropriation for .,.., 1:; 0 ,,,.,·.••¤••·¤•·•¤••••.•••