Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1602

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1.566 INDEX. _ Page. _ _ Pige- Mannhezm, Manne C0rps—Coutmued._ _ appropriation for consul at .. 252, 702 charge of desertion agamst certam men for clerk hire 254, 704 in the Navy and, rem0v0d._ ... 442 Mmwkin River, Md., withheld pay and bounty to be paud, proappropriation for survey of .. 421 viso . ..,. 443 Manu-Scripts. Historical, Mmm Hospimz Service, appropriation for preserving certain, in _ appropriation for Supervising Surgeon- D°P*u'tm*—‘¤t of Smm --·····-·-···---·- 907 General, surgeons, clerks, etc . 271, 720 · MaP8· , . deficiency appropriation for ,... 603 9·PPf°P¤¤t1°¤ f°1‘ Pi'6P*¤'i¤g» €t°·» of Fira] appointment of medical officers in ... 639 1>r¤d¤<=¢i<>¤S .----------—----------- 333 to be nominated by the President and sale of té>€vns11ip, of public lands, author- 557 confirmed by the Senate __________ 639 IZ . . . . _. . . . . . . . . ‘ to havg charge of quarantine gt3_{j()nS_ _ _ for post-routq; sale . 293 Mayjtime Cana; Company Of Nicaragua, Map of th? muted St{"t“?· . created a. body corporate ...,.,.. 673 appropriation for, dxstmbutxon .. 285, 735 j_uc0I-pm-atm-S __________________________ 673 for additional copies, Land Office ·. . 1019 to mmuuct cam] from ocean to Ocean Ma"“°“ib°# through Nicaragua . . 673 apprcggiatiou for consul at . 252, 701 may issue stock etc ____________ I _____ 673 March etc'? _ paid-up stock fm: rights, etc . .673 1>¤yr¤¤¤# ¢<>» ¤¤1>¤¤¤d from ¤¢¤=¤¤<·>r PMM Issue of bonds . 674 D0'"""' ··-· · ---··········-····---- 1030 . principal offices to be in New York City . 674 » M“"‘”"" E°°’F· P“·· . . no pemmiary liability in United States ¤PP*'°P];'“*t:g“ f°Y 'mP1'°"°m*mt °f ***9* 403 Government . 674 m' Y ·-·---·-···--··-··-·-·-·--• amount of capital stock . 674 Ma'? Id“T'd,N‘w?I Y“?`d» C“l·· subscriptions; notice; issue. ._ 674 a.ppropnation for improvement of the wu pm. Cent. of stock to be pwd mm0n€y_ 674 de · Q.; 467 GIGCHOD of di1'Q0t0l’S _ 6 75 _ powers, ctc., duectors; mectmgs 675 , ¤¤¤‘¤» gpmé bsmacks ··----·--—--- 54 mpm ap sammy ¤: me 1mi-wr ... em M‘”`“°P“ .A9e"°g¤ A"z·· . treaty nghts not impaired _,,_,__________ 675 aPPY°P£“t*°u or SHPPONB Gm-- of Pldmuggz 996 Man;ce1;d1?e$nt; commencement, etc 675 JVf¤Mk#fu. Ga-, Nafivmrl Cemetery, ’ ;;p;Jp¤?u?:’tg gihies ma 9 uses 316 795 appropriation for roadway to, limitation deficiency appmprhmon for XPQ · ,5_0 M _ lt regaigmycd - 538 Markham, H g_’ ''`'``'‘ ° (11*16 ll, 10, h · exhibition of documents, em., at exhibk Marlaé; of Igcsgrtxou removed 1184 tion at . . 626 · ’" . Mamw 0<>*·f€*‘€"¢¢· £*;*9*"*¢”°"¤'· app0mf18gmg¥???$€f. S01d1m, 1022 f°""g”5E`E¥Z°Z'Q$°pmpTrYy°$`} ga?} Y`???' 243 — M“""’Q"’“'E°“tM°d'}*Z*· em Army. 0 Marine CQTRS, f f m h k M3£;;n0p;1aI;>n”¢wr .. 487, 83., 7' 11 °pPr°I§;?;gilHSgr· R _ R _ gl? ,270, 821 § Mpaynnsnzctoémdnninistrator of 1231 on retired·list .. 470, 821arm? 'K dz I5".'}! H· for pay of enlisted men .. 470, 821 } Mm mud g lhtms l`°m°"€d ·-···-··---· 1026 _ on retired-list .. .. .. 470, 821 1 ‘”‘9““" t- f: g·· _ for mu force .. . . 470,821 g MWF?} *341** 8******** <>f Cvurwf Cimmsto 20 for undrawn clothing. ... 470, 822 ; argue 9 . "·`h·» , · ` for transportation of omcers .. 470, 822 | aPPr°P"°t1P“f°r‘mPm'9m€¤t of h¤!'b01‘ ; for commutation of quarters . 471,822 I H Pr°““°· : --···--· ; ·-·-·----- · -··.· Q06 for provisions 471, 822 M I °`°°§mg gah0n °St“bhSh€fi at -·----··, 053 for clothing . ... 471, sez 5 g"gf"*?t e mf 0~¢`<>~<w¤¤ Rmlmad, _ for me} .. 271,822 g ° °‘ §ié;_*;€¤*¤€d i¤¤d¤ g¤mte<1r<>,m 1008 for mi itary stores ... 71, 822 ·-~·······-· - ··--·,-,·. . . fortrausp0rtation;recruitingexpenses.471,822 i MGM'. Thomas H, for repair of barracks ; rent . 471, 822 { upaypwnt to ... , .,__ _ _______ _ _ _ _ 1240 for forage ... . . . .471, 823 1 # ¢""'¢¤9€, for cgutinggnt ggpgnggg ________ _ ____ 47],823 status of, between white men and Indian fm- hire of quarters .. 472,823 E women . .. 392 gu- erection of bartiswl?. Norfolk .. 4*72 { Mameilles, de ciency appropria 'ou or provisions. . .12, 5*6 g ‘ ti f , - ,., fo, clothing . . ... iz 1 °"£°5`2fk §?r..§’T.‘€‘?‘??‘T¥ ?‘ ·‘··········· ig} #*2,2 for hire of quarters, gw ... 12 l J[GT8h¢lu, James, - ll r U I I l ·`' ’ l ' for transportation an recruiting. .12, 91*,919 2 t to for mmglgeuu; 12, 005.01*2, 91;%, ass ‘ MBEEH s, ;r·ix°°°t°r °f ‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ····· 1238 for frcig t 12, 5*6 t to . , , · for pg ... ...M.31,?:1£10£, 3;,919,9% 1 uggrl.Z?1?qz K_; " ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘···· · ········ **22 for 0 'cers’ qu rs, are , . . 54 m t tofor uudmwu clothing . 576 i Mgghagf Oon?mt?,$0;t£·i§ · `'```'`'``' 1237 for mgm- of barracks . 576 appropriation for ..,, j254 704 fmtgdverhsing .. : . . 1 . . . . . . .. 576 . Mumba 8. United State.: Cmjifg ``'```'```` ’ appomtmcllf t? V¤¢¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤· 0* °¤d°*¤ °¤ V g ¤P}>¤'<>¥¤’i¤$i¤¤ for ... 3 . . ..,..,,, 204 744 grgdmnm ,,... .. . ..- 878 } 01* ees; advances; accounts ,,,, 545:977