Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1651

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INDEX. 1615 _ • Page. a. . Shme, John. Sie1~ra_Lumber Company, P ge Shpgngznlél. . iiiés . 1103 deficxepcygzppropriation for resurvcying _ ,_ 1 . , ‘ `tt .. nppropnnaéqonffor removing quarantine Sievers ang Bgzltlzx agams 55 _ s a non rom. . . .. 43 payment to, judgment against District of Shzp Letters: Columbia .,.. . . . . . . . 7 upproprnatmn for._. . : .. 347, 845 Signal Omps. (See Signal Service.) clehcxency approprxanon for . 14 Signal Ofice, Shzpley. ():·S;O7l, 1234 appropniagon for professional assistants, paymen 0 . c or s, etc .. 279. 728 Shqxpen, Edward. for rent .. 281 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 594 correction of appropri:-1.tion for copyists. . 626 Shzppers, Interstate, _ _ Signal Service, Army, pumsnment for false bnlhng, etc., of freight 858 appropriation for expenses . 488. 833 for inducing unjust discriminations . . . 858 for civil employees, Washington .. 534, 728 Shipping, enlisted znan may be transferred. . . 535 Suspension Of tonnage mx ugt to bg with- for observation and report of storms. .535, 967 - held from vessels, atc_, of foreign for manufactnre, etc., of mstruments.535. 967 cguntrigg special coastwm, for telegmplung, etc . 535, 967 regulations on treaty obligations_ _ _ 80 §or cautionary SlgD3]S 535, 967 payment to bg made, for Services Fo Sea- or contmgent expenses, rent. etc . 5§5, 9§7

€···*°¤*·¤*¤w¤mm·b~*¤¤¤¤¢· 80 §2:¥:::€h*;‘;‘Ll‘}1‘i2&£$"I2$*1E2°“se,;é(e···?;§·333

TB--.---. ... _ : Hg e·· 1 muws and wimeizm under steam- 80 2;; eegggregzu reports ----.---- gg; gmpc ti S ______________ e p mes ... , steam-boat inspwggrs ... 80 fefi wylef eiiem gnmrren; 1>r<>vis<>¤·536, 967 - otai rom regu r my .. 536, 968 · Sllzrkméggzga M’ 1242 for subsistence. .. 536, 968 ShH;£mWuIm;.;‘ ‘‘'`'‘’‘' _ '‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ for fuel; commutation; forage ... 536, 968 I ’1 payment of judgment of of Claimsto 60 2; el xpeusezéééibi ‘‘‘‘‘'’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Sh°""'€'k"· Rebecca E (""d°w)* for barraglgs and · l I ll - - I - .537, 969 Shpcnsnon . .66 . 1086 Payments to be 1 mommy by one » ofner, Re cca, check ctc 969 . b,,lg=gcm;gg,g¤,;¤m¤*¤=¤¤* of ----·—-—-·-~ 1233 for medicnl meguageei i I Iiii I I I I ii I 968 · f . fcc fC . *:025 930 for printing and binding . 547,979 Shi;';{cmjlf:° £‘n ) “"° ]““““ · for new budding, em .. 00 néim rv ’ 1254 dcficieqcy appropriation for transporta- Shlgmng ‘ ‘. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ non . 9, 30,67, $74, 690, 934, 938 Shzoprsgdgdon for construction, etc .. 486, 881 \ for Rf- 9 , appropriation forpa of Indian agent at.218, 981 N°‘¤tu°k°t we Marthws Vm€y°‘rd· · · 53 go wz . for commutation of fuel .. . . . . 9 916 Shos ne and Bama Indzam, for commumti · - - - on of quarters .. 9 agreement with, for cesswn of town-mts, for incidental ex mes 30 -2 53 67 etc., in Fort Hall Reservation, rati- 45 for storm etc qggnals ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ·‘‘‘ 600 Bod ... . .. 2 f tl ’l'ji;1t I5'- ‘`'’'` L"""’ ’ appropriation fer fu1611i¤z ¤e¤¤y with- -227, 991 or gfugrrgrgnciscg, (om as S mw and Bemwelv. ew-- Imiiem, FM for mer anu-1(XX1 ommmons sa 1I¤F{R¢8er·v¤¢w¤, Idaho, _ for mmmx attendance ... m4, sm ¤P£Y0P¤¤¤Q¤ fm' $uPP°Yt» °t°·» of --···· 23°· 99** · for regular su plies ... 66, Shvs ww Indwww. N?v¤d¢» for militnrv teyegraph lines ... 66 egprepnatiqn fer support. ew-; of -·--··- 2315*96 for subsistence os, sm Sh 0'¢¢ P•4*¤'¤$» TVM0'*M”9· ( for barracks and quarters . 67 Sh¤;_}:1};~1é0PE¥;¥;;:>l:¤c;,?¥k:Q1.iP°;'*» etc-» °f ······· 23% 996 enlisted men to xnluke returns of public ` _, ¤ property in their possession {'52 PED510D..`z:,..-..·.. lxllofinstrumentsb§.S€cr?tary0fNavy ) Sh;::;'?'; IFJ1Z0 (¢¢<¤dW)» 1069 go persons mu mg xnvestigntions .·...•• •••-·•».»·•...·.• »• or .-_.-.'..'.'li"'.--I'.-'- Sh"¢?!'€P0"te L“·» _ _ _ _ purchase of building for, authorized . 44 dehcnepcy appropnatxon for public bmld- 48 Sggsbee, C·;m,.]e8 DW mg ... . . .. . ... [ ‘ d {C · ccustmgdou of gdridgeh across Red River 88- S &n‘pn]1;nEeo gment 0 ourt of Claims to 591 a.approv ... o da- · - f _____________ 7 return of process, western gudxcxal dxstrxct 388 gg§z?;;?;;ppr0Pmtl0“ or 90 Shrewsbrory; Rater, N J'., appropriation for pay of Indian agent at.217, 980 appropnotnon for improvement of ... 409 or support, atc_, of Indians atj _______ 232, 997 $'h¤m¢{'•» Jevvb S-, Siletz Indmn Reservation, \ Smsxon mcteascd. . . .. . . . . . . . .·..··· 1314 right (fi;v?yv$hfi0ugI;1A·f;0 and 34 uppmpmum rm- minister to ... 348, em Suk Cu,,,,,,,? “ “ “" ‘ "°“ °‘“*’“""· · 7 or mtcrprcter. . . 1 . ..A... AQ, 698 appropriation for experiments by Depa,.t_ for expenses of p¤¤¤¤er¤ --·----·----- 25*- 704 ment or Agnmume . 331, 837 Sierra Leone, for encouraging . 331, 838 appropriation for consul at . 253, 703 deficiency appropriation for . 581