Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1657

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INDEX. 162] . Pmé- .—Qont1nued. _ Stewart, James, Page proceedings m Congress to be printed ac- payment to, iudgment against District of ceipting Lewis Cass . . . . 1021 Colum ia. . 571 Jolm eter Gabriel Muhlenberg 1022 Stewart. James A. , Robert Fulton ... . 1022 I payment to . 1328 appropriation for engravings 1022 · Steu:a.rt. John MZ, Statutes at Large, Faftieth Congress, payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 58 · appropriation for editing, etc . 263, 713 Shles, John R., Staunton River, Va., pension increased ... 1111 appropriation for improvement of . . .l . . . 410 Stzclmey, Emil L., Stea ey, O. O., payment of dlamages to, Fox and Wiscondeficiency appropriation for. . . ; . . .. 18, 58 sin Rivers .. . . 18 Steam-boat Inspec ion Service, Still Pond Harbor, Md., appropriation for Supervising Inspector- a propriation for survey of .. 427 General, clerks, etc .. 271, 720 Stigs, deficiency appiropriation for .,... 63 deficiency appropriation for drawback on payment to 0 cers, etc., in lieu of fees, to stills exported . 27, 62, 602, 935 be made from the Treasury S0 Stilwell, Catharme, Steam-boat Letters, payment of damages to, Fox and Wisconappropriation for .. 347,845 sin Rivers 21 deficiency appropriation for . 14 Stirling, Yates, Steam-boat Routes, pa entof judgment of Court of Claimsto 591 appropriation for mail transportation by. 346, 844 Stwman, Charles A., Stearns, Sylvester, pension . . . ... 1286 pension increased . . 1220 Stockton, Harriet VC (widow), Steed, Emmanuel R, pension . .· .. 1050 · pension .. . ... . . 1266 Stokes, Julia (mother), Steel, Joseph, pension 1043 palgrmeut to . _ 1237 Stokes, WZ B., Stu , G. WT, pension increased .., 1178 deficiency appropriation for contested- Stone, George R, . election expenses .. 17 pension . . . 1060 Steele, John D., · Stone, Jeannie (widow), pavment to . . . .. 1233 pension . . . 1080 S‘e°'"f;..g.""‘L."é,t".,;.·”'fi““=’ t f 414 S'°”‘°"’°'2”z. -4 of 123. a or un rovemen 0 ... paymen Wl ow ... Steers, ., · P Stone, Jutwtte (mother), · deiiciencya propriation for compensation, pension 1037 Nave? Advisory Board 11 Stoner, David, Henry X, and David E, Steger, Mathias, payment to surviving partners.- . 1244 payment to . 166 Stonington, Conn., Steilaguamish River, Wash., appropriation for improvement of harbor. 401 appropriation for improvement of .» .. 423 or ighbhouse and fog—siguhl . . . . . 508 Stenographera to Committees, . Stoops, William WZ. appropriation for, House ... 261, 711 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 25 Stephens, Emily, Stow, Alexander and Randall A., pa ent to administrator of 1240 payment of damages to, Fox and Wiscon~ Step;-gis, James WZ, sin Rivers .. . . 21 pa. ent to . . ... 1821 Stow, Jlhwy W, Stepz-za, Mark, payment of damages to, Fox and Xviseon- ‘ payment to 4 . 1234 sin Rivers 20 Stephens, Thomas, Strairq, James L., pulyment to . 1283 payment ogjudgment of Court of Claims to 25 Ster ing, Jemima (mother), Stranahan, eorge M, pension 1255 deficiency appropriation for . 16, 587 Stem-Dock, Adpestoble, Stratford, Canada, appropriation for purchase of ... 463 unp%riation for consul at . 252, 702 Stemmn, Eric B., Street ilways, D. C., payment of damages tc, Fox and Wiscou- may use electric or cable power . 797 sin Rivers 20 to use Hat grooved rails . 797 Stettin, Streets, Avenues, Alleys. and Roads, D. C., appropriation for consul at ... .253, 703 appropriations for ... . 317, 795 Stevens, Robert J, limit for pavements; exception .. 796 deficiency appropriation for clerk hire. . . 560 for grading .. . ... . .. 319, 796 Stevenson, H C, for repairs . . . 319, 79*7 payment of judgment of Court of Claimsto 593 for sweeping, etc 320, 799 Stevenson, James D., deficiency appro riation forsweeping,etc. 8 payment of judgment of Court of Claims Street Lamps, D. 8., to . . . .23, 930 deficiency a. propriaticn for . 572 Stevenson, John H , Strikes (see Arintration). payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 25 Strine, Jacob, Steward, Thomas G., payment to .. . .. 1238 Stpayuiexg to. . 579 Stringer, c ewar , enry ., paymen representativesof estate . paymg¤tqfjudgmeut0fC0uft0f(}}¤imSi20 591 of . ... . ... 1033