Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/174

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128 FIFTIETH CON GRESS. Snzss. I. Ch. 213. 1888. A¤¤l¤¤¤><>i¤¤¤’¤*.z¤¤- Te—in-'osh-ca-o—ta, Fanc Lodge, his x mark. Seal. °°°°“°°°“°°°d' Ho-ba?-muz—za, Iron Wihgs, his x mark. Seal. Wa-pah, The Hat, his x mark. Seal. Sl1e·na-to-pa, Four Blankets, his x mark. Seal. _ Wa-hunk-se-cha-scaw, White Bear Number Two, his x mark. Chawn-du- a-nuz-za, Standing pipe, his x mark. Seal. Wah-su, Hgil Stone, his x mark. Seal. Ha—ha-ga-du-ta, Red Bull Elk, his x mark. Seal. Unk-shu-shu, Pease, his x mark. Seal. Ma—caw~she-na, Dirt Robe, his x mark. Seal. (-law-wink-cha-mon-a, Made Walk Slow, his x mark. Seal. Wah—tung·a, Big Snow, his x mark. Seal. Se-ah-o-ba, Wounded Foot, his x mark. Seal. Waese-cha, White Man, his x mark. Seal. Chou-de-sho-ta—oke-she, Tobacco Smoke Boy, his xsmzark. ea . Ta·tung·a-ha-wa-ipa, Bull Skin Cap, his x mark. Seal. We-snaw-snaw, ing Bear, his x mark. Seal. Min—nie-o-to·wun, Opens His Eyes in the Water, his xsmaalrk. To-_pa-to-tung—a, Four Balls, his x mark. Seal. Kei-keis-a, Squeakingkhis x mark. Seal. E-a-chie-a, Attacks,x mark. Seal. Hung-ah-mon-a, Chief, his x mark. Seal. Sunk-o-tchintz-i-tone, Bo Tailed Horse, his x mark. Seal. Ah-hai·pe—wash-she-cha, Night White Man, his x mark. Seal. She-o-shag·ga, Pheasant’s law, his x mark. Seal. Sin-ta-cauda, Rattlesnake, his x mark. · Seal. Shunk·bo-tim, Prowling xmark. Seal. Tow·she-na-to-pa»ok-she-na, our Blanket Boy, his x Smalrk. Chaw—wap·pa, The Pine, his x mark. Seal. Sho-tung·a-no-ga, Gun Ear, his x mark. Seal. E—ah-gun·n¤z-za, Standing on the Mountain, his xsmark. eal. Wy-o-wa-wiin, Paper Maker, his x mark. Seal. Attestz W. L. Lmcomr, United States Indian Agent. Cine. G. Frsu, Agency Clerk. FRANK A. Bxcxrosn, Agency Physician. A. H. Rrsmz, Agency Famer. Fnmfx. Esmnscuwminsn, S. J. Missionary. We hereb certify that the fore oin articles of a e m were carefully read and explained to the Indians abogd iianlgd m open council, and were thoroughly understood by them before sigmngbthe same and that the a ment was executed and signed y said Indians at Fort Belgéalp Agency, Montana Territory, on the twenty-first day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. _ WM. Bam, United States Agenciy Interpreter.


A Z pecm nterpreter. Cans. G. Fisn.