Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/215

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 345, 361. 1888. 169 CHAP. 345.jAn act granting to the Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western Railway J¤¤€ 4, l888· Company the right of way through the Lao de Flambeau Indian Reservation, in the W State of Wisconsm. Be zt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America i n Congress assembled, That there is Sh]gjQ"“§f,‘§€~“TIgS1k° hereby granted to the Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western Railway Railway _0¤mp¤i¤ri*1 Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of till-liiigi iiigiigivgdii the State of Wisconsin, and its assigns, the right of wav for the ex- *1****** kldiml 3**S*>"¤· tension of its railroad through the Lac de Flambeau Indian Reser- mm’W1Sc°DSm' vation in said State, the said Indians having consented by Treaty to °°“S°'“· a reservation by the United States of the power to grant right of way through said reservation. Such right of way shall be fift feet in width on each side of the central line of said railroad, anti, said Widtheomlpany shall also have the right to take from the lands adjacent to the line of said road material, stone, and earth necessary for the M°*°'i**l· construction of said railroad; also grounds adjacent to such right of way, for station buildings, depots, machine-shops, side-tracks. S‘““°“S· °*°· turnouts, and water-stations, not to exceed in amount three hundred feet in width and three thousand feet in length for each station, to the extent of two stations within the limits of said reservation. Sue. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to C°'“l’°”“**°”· fix the amount of compensation to· be paid to the Indians for such right of way, and provide the time and manner for the ayment thereof ; and also to ascertain and fix the amount to be aid) to individual members of the tribe for damages sustained by them by reason of the construction of said road; but no right of any kind shall vest in said railway company in or to any part of the right of way herein provided for, until plats thereof, made upon actual survey, S“"°Y- for the definite location of such railroad, and inc uding the grounds for station buildings, de ots, machine-shops, side—tracks, turnouts, and water-stations, shallphave been approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and until the compensation aforesaid shall have been fixed and paid, and the consent of the Indians on said reservation as to the amount of said compensation shall have been first obtained in a manner satisfactory to the President of the United States; Provided, Prrwérvs. That if said Indians shall refuse to accept a sum which in the judg- Payment. ment of the President is a "ust compensation for said right of way, the said compensation shall] then be ascertained i11 such manner as the President shall direct having due regard to the rights of the Indians in which event the said company shall have the right to take and occupy said right of way by paying the compensation so ascertained in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior shall direct. Said company is hereby authorized to enter upon such reservation for the urpose of surveying and locating its line of railroad : Provided, 'ighat said railroad shall be located, constructed, and operated Rvzulativu-S- with due regard to the rights of the Indians and under suc rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe. Sec. 3. That the rights herein granted shall be forfeited by said m'1l;>6l§=e$l*;g§°¤¤*¤¤l¤ company unless the road is constructed through said reservation within three years. _ Sec. 4. That Congress may at any time amend, add to, alter, or Amendment. repeal this act. Approved, June 4, 1888. CHAP. 361.—-An act to provide a building for theuse of the United States courts, June 6. 1888. post-office, custom-office, and internabrevenue office at Vicksburg, Mississippi. """"_"_" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the · Un ded States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary viclisbgra of the Tr-easurv be. and he is hereby, authorized and directed to hb ° ‘"‘ g' cause to be constructed a suitable building, with fire—proof vaults, at