Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/262

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216 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 501, 502. 1888. money to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, or so much thereof as may be necessary for saidepurpose. _ HSM °* WW- Sec. 2. That before any money shall be expen ed as aforesaid the title to the right of way shall be granted to the United States free of cost. Approved, June 29, 1888. June gg, 1533, CHAP. 502.-An act to authorize the construction of a wagon and foot·pa.ssenger ——-——-———-——-——— bridge across the Noxubee River, at or near Gainsville, in the State of Alabama. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the $*¤¤°¤¥¤¤¤=;{¢y;[_i& United States of America in Congress assembled, That the court of 'd°slr{¤- county commissioners of Sumter County, Alabama, be, and are hereby, authorized to construct and maintain, if, in the opinion of the Secretary of War the same be a ppplic necessity, a wagon and foot-passenger bridge across the Noxu River, at a point at or near ¥I¤<>¤¤¤‘¤¢¤¤<! ¤¤*¤— Gainsville, Alabama; that said bridge shall not interfere with the °°°`°°' free navigation of said river beyon what is necessary in order to carry into effect the rights and privileges hereby granted; and in case of any litigation arising from any obstruction or alleged obstruction to the naviglation of said river, the cause may be trie before the circuit court of the United States in and for any istrict in which any of said bridge obmruction may be. Said bridge shall be conmwmn and four structed to provide for the safe and convenient passage of wagons ·§,‘};`§ and vehicles of all kinds, animals, and foot—passengers. And if tolls shall be charged for the passa e of wagons or other vehicles, or of ‘ animals and foot-passengers, the rates thereof may be Hxed by the Secretary of War, on appeal to him for that purpose, and no higher ' charges shall be made t an shall be established by him. °°¤¤*°**°¤· Sec. 2. That any bridge built under the provisions of this act may, at the option of Sumter ounty building the same, be built as a draw- Pr¤¤‘•¤•· bridge or with imbroken and continuous spans: Provided, That if Sum the said bridge shall be made with unbroken and continuous spans it shall give clear head—r0om of not less, in an case, than forty-eight feet above extreme high-water mark as understood at the point of location, nor shall the spans of said bridge give a clear width of waterway of less than seventyhve feet, and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of said river, and the bridge itself at right angles thereto: Provided also, That if the said bridge be built mw. as a draw-bridge, the draw shall be built over the main channel of the river at a convenient and the most accessible point, giving a clear width of water-way of not less than seventy-five feet, and that said draw shall be opened promptly upon reasonable signal for the passage of boats, and said county commissioners shall maintain, at their own mgm, uc. expense, from sunset to sunrise, such lights or other signals on said bridge as the Light-House Board shall prescribe. mL:t§;{)¤‘lb¤;~¤¤~¤¤ Sec. 3. That any1 bridge constructed under this act and according ' to its limitations s all be a lawful structure and shall be known as a postal-route, and the same is hereby declared to be a post-route, upon which also no higher charge shall e made for the crossin of mails, troops, and munitions of war of the United States, and For freightpassmgbover said bridge, than is charged for the same services from the pu lic, and equal privileges in the use of said bridge shall be granted to all telegraph companies, and the United States shall have P<>¤¤1¤¤¤¤s·r•v¤- the right of way for postal telegraph purposes across said bridge. wmggmrw Sec. 4. That the structure herein authorized shall be built and °*""°"° located under, and subject to, such regulations for the security of the navigation of said river as the Secretary of War shall rescribe and to secure that object the said company or corporators shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawing of the bridge and a map of the location, giving-