Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/300

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254 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 614. 1888. Seven consular clerks, at one thousand dollars per annum each, seven thousand dollars. I¤¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ cousunn ormonns Nor cirrzmxs. For salaries of consular officers not citizens of the United States, six thousand dollars. ALLOWANCE Fon cmznxs AT CONSULAB OFFICES. ¤l¤r¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- For allowance for clerks at consulates·general and consulates, fifty- one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars, the sum to be allowed at each not to exceed the rate herein specified, as follows: Liverpool, two thousand dollars. Havana, one thousand six hundred dollars. Shanghai, one thousand two hundred dollars. London, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro, at one thousand six hundred dollars each, four thousand eight hundred dollars. Berlin, Bremen, Chemnitz, refeld, Frankfort,_Hambur‘g, I-Iavre, Hong-Kong, Kanagawa, Lyons, Manchester, Montreal, an Yienna, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, hfteen thousand six hundred dollars. _ Birmingham, Bradford, and Marseilles, at nine hundred and sixty _ dollars each, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. Antwerp, Bordeaux, Calcutta, Colon, Dresden, G asgow, Leipsic, Melbourne, Nuremberg, Panama, Port au Prince, Sheiiield, Singare, Sonneberg, Tunstall, Toronto, and Brussels, at eight hundred dgllars each, thirteen thousand six hundred dollars. Barrnen, Belfast, Dundee, Halifax, Leith, Matamoras, and Victoria, at six hundred and forty dollars each, four thousand four hun- - dred and eighty dollars. ` Beirut, Berne, Demerara, Florence, Genoa, Malaga, Mannheim, Mexico, Naples, Prague, Stuttgart, and Zurich, at four hundred and eighty dollars each, five thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. mgéwmwww For an additional allowance for clerks at consulates, to be ex- ` pended under the direction of the Secretary of State at consulates not herein rovided for in respect to clerk-hire, no eater portion of this sum than four hundred dollars to be allowedr to any one conggygw- sulate in any one fiscal (year, twenty thousand dollars: Provided, ’ That the total sum expen ed in one year shall not exceed the amount appropriated : Ami provided fur her, That out of the amount hereby appropriated the Secretary of State may make such allowmysy w inwvnwn ance as maly to him seem proper to any interpreter for clerical serv- '°'"°°‘ ices, in ad ition to his pay as interpreter. lg¤&¢$“rg:h¤g·;:L·s¤¤**¤· rurmnrnmmns, GUARDS, AND MARSHALS T0 c0NSULA'1*Es: Interpreters to be employed at consulates in China and Japan, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, nfteen thousand dollars. Interpreters and guards at the consulates at Beirut, Cairo, Constantinople, Jerusalem, and Smyrna, in the Turkish dominions, and at Zanzibar, five thousand dollars. Marshals for the consular courts in China, Japan, and Turkey, nine thousand dollars. Wm- non-umn. . Boat for official use of United States consul at Osaka and Hiogo, and for {pay of boat’s crew, five hundred dollars. .. Boat or omcial use of the United States consul at Hong·Kong, and for pay of boats crew, jive hundred dollars.