Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/316

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270 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 615. 1888. one; ten clerks, at nine hu11dred dollars each; one assistant messen— ger; and one laborer; in all, twenty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. _ _ Bureau or E¤s¤¤— BUREAU or Euormvruo AND Purxrrno; For Chief of Bureau, mg "° Printing' four thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; accountant, two thousand dollars; one stenographer, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk of class three; two clerks of class one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; two assistant messen ers; and one laborer; in all, seventeen thousand four hundred and nfty dollars. B*¤'°¤“°‘S*°”S**°s· BUREAU OF STATISTICS: For the officer in charge of the Bureau of Statistics, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; four clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; five clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each ; two copyists, at nine hundred dollars each ; three copyists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one messenger; one assistant messenger; one laborer; and one female laborer, at four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, forty-six thousand and sixty dollars. Experts. etc. For the payment of the services of experts, and for othernecessary expenditures connected with the collection of facts relative to the internal and foreign commerce of the United States, seven thousand dollars. 0,§°°’°”S°“'*°°Di'*S‘ SECRET SERVICE DIVIsION: For one chief, three thousand tive ' hundred dollars; one chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; and one attendant, at seven hundred and _ twenty dollars; in all, eleven thousand six hundred and twenty dollars. ‘ ,,,,?,*’;“,,,,,"{,'§,,,,Q"°‘g*"“ Orrrron or Cousrauorros or STANDARD Wnronrs AND MEAS- _ UBES: For construction and verilication of standard weights and measures, including metric standards, for the custom-houses, other offices of the United States, and for the several States, and mural standards of length in Washington, District of Columbia: One adjuster, one thousand five hundred dollars; one mechanician, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; and one watchman; in all, _ three thousand four hundred and seventy dollars.

‘f"l€"‘“‘ ""p°““°’· For purchase of materials and apparatus, and incidental expenses,

Re',‘§§,§“,'Y,f five hundred dollars: Provided, That such necessary re airs and adjustments shall be made to the standards furnished to the several States and Territories as may be requested by the governors thereof, and also to standard weights and measures that have been, or may hereafter be, supplied to United States custom-houses and other offices of the United States, under act of Congress, when requested by the Secretary of the Treasury. mmgmgqggyibggrpi For expenses of the attendance of the American member of the inane-s. g International Committee on Weights and Measures at the general ‘°‘·”*’»P·T°°· conference provided for in the convention signed May twentieth, eighteen hundred and sevnty-Eve, the sum of six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. D*·‘¤·=¢•>¤>¤¤¤M*¤¤*· Orrrcn or rum Drmazcroa or rum MINT: For Director, four thousand five hundred dollars; examiner, two thousand five hundred dollars; computer, two thousand five hundred dollars; assaysr, two thousand two hundred dollars; adjuster of accounts, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class two, one of whom shall be a stenographer; three clerks of class one; one translator, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; one copyist; one messen er; assistant in laboratory, one thousand dollars; one helper, at ive hundred dollars; in all, twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. Erdcb. For freight on bullion and coin, by registered mail or otherwise, ` between mints and assay-offices, ten thousand dollars. 0¤¤¤¤s¤m<¤v¤¤=¤¤- For contingent expenses of the Bureau of the Mint, to be expended under the direction of the Director, namely: For assay-laboratory,