Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/319

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 615. 1888. 273 thousand and sixty dollars; three watchmen and janitors, at eight hundred and fifty dollars each; in all, thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and ten dollars. UFFICE or ASSISTANT TREASURER AT CHIcAo.o z For assistant chicago. treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars; paying-teller. one thousand eight hundred dollars; book-keeper and rece1ving—teller, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; three coin, coupon, and currency clerks, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; five clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; one Janitor, at six hundred dollars; and three watchinen, seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, twenty-five thousand nine hundred dollars. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT TREASURER AT CINCINNATI; For assistant Ci¤<>i¤¤¤vi. treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; cashier, two thousand dollars; book-keeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; receiving teller, one thousand five hundred dollars; check clerk and interest clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; fractional—silver and minor-coin teller, one thousand dollars; two night-watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; messenger, six hundred dollars; one watchman, at one hundred and twenty dollars; in all, sixteen thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. OFFICE or ASSISTANT TREASURER AT NEW ORLEANS z For assist- New orleans. ant treasurer, four thousand dollars; cashier, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; receiving-teller, two thousand dollars; one paying-teller, two thousand dollars; book-keeper, one thousand uve undred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one coin and redemption clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; porter, five hundred dollars; one day-watchman, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one nightwatchman, at seven hundred and twenty—dollars; in all, eighteen thousand and ninety dollars. OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT TREASURER AT NEW XTORK : For as- New York. sistant treasurer, eight thousand dollars; cashier and chief clerk, four thousand two hundred dollars; deputy assistant treasurer, three thousand six hundred dollars; assistant cashier and vault clerk, three thousand two hundred dollars; two chiefs of division, at three thousand one hundred dollars each; chief of division, three thousand dollars; chief paying teller, three thousand dollars; authorities clerk, two thousand six hundred dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand four hundred dollars each; bond clerk, two thousand four hundred dollars; correspondence clerk, two thousand three hundred dollars; assistant chief of division, two thousand three hundred dollars; two assistant chiefs of division, at two thousand two hundred andfiftv dollars each; assistant paying teller, two thousand two hundred dollars; general book-keeper, two thousand two hundred dollars; minor coin teller, two thousand dollars; three clerks, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; nine clerks, at two thousand dollars each; twelve clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; three clerks, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each; eight clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; seven clerks. at one thousand five hundred dollars each; eleven clerks. at one thonsand four hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; two clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; messenger, one thonsand three hundred dollars; four messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two hall-men, at one thousand dollars each; two porters, at nine hundred dollars each; keeper of the building, one thousand eight hundred dollars: chief detective, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant detective, one thousand four hundred dollars: engineer, one thousand and fifty dollars; assistant engineer, eight hundred and twenty dollars; six STAT L—VOL Xxw‘——18