Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/350

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304 rirrinrrn ooneanss. sms. 1. ou. eax ieee. nwmcn. fplrth, shall nop influence the location of said bridge in its relation to t e interests o navi ation. construction. Sec. 2. That any lhidge built under the provisions of this act may, at the option of the company building the same, be built as a pontoon Pr¤¤>¤<>¤- draw-bridge or with unbroken and continuous spans: Provided, That Sem if the said bridge shall be made with unbroken and continuous spans it shall have one or more channel spans, each having not less than three hundred and fifty feet clear channel-way, and not less than fift y- five feet clear head-room above high·water mark, and the clear headroom under other than channel spans may be less than fifty-five feet: Height- M Provided, That no part of the superstructure of such spans shall give a less head-roomthan ten feet above high-water mark: And pro vided further, That the interests of navigation be not injured by such reduction in height, and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the currentandthe bridge itself at right angles thereto: And provided further, That if any bridge built un er thae]-provisions of this act shall Draw. be constructed as a draw-bridge, and sh have two or more drawopenings, each having not less than two hundred feet clear channelway; and in addition to said draw—0penings shall have one or more fixed channel spans, each havin not less than three hundred and Efty feet clear channel—way; and every part of the superstructure shall have a clear head-room of not less than ten feet above highwater mark: Provided, That all spans of both high and low bridges shall be so located as to aiford the greatest possible accommodation to the river traiiic, and a draw-opening of low brid es shall, if practicable, be located next or near shore: Provided, dsc, That in case Inwbridgr- of a low bridge, if the physical characteristics of the localit so reqmre and the interests of navigation be not injured thereby, the lengths of spans or the number of draw-openings may be reduced: Provided, also, That for any two adjacent draw-o enings of two hundred feet each, one draw-opening of three hundred feet may be substituted if the interests of navigation be not injured thereby: opming draw. And provided, also, That said draw shall be opened romptly upon reasonable signal for the passage of boats, except wlhen trains are passingover the draw; but in no case shall unnecessar delav occur in opening the said draw during or after the passage-ofltrains: And umiumons, etc. provided further, That if any bridge built under the rovisions of this act shall be constructed as a pontoon bridge, it shall be built sub· _ ject to all the terms, requirements, and limitations contained in the act vu. 1a, n ca entitled "An act to legphze and establish a pontoon railway bridge across the M1ss1ss1pp1__ 1ver_at Prairie du Chien, and to authorize the construction of a sunuar bridge at or near Clinton, Iowa," a proved June sugth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four: And providgd also, ?°¤*°°¤ M'- Such bridge may be provided with a pontoon draw giving not less than four hun red feet c ear channel-way for each navigable channel of the river, and such other openings for the passage of rafts and logs as in the opinion of the Secretary of War, ma be necessa : Ami provided f rorther, That the pile and pontoon bridge shall be sdbjectto all restrictions as regards plans, location, and accessories provided gplzélinkpggeogfbhpgléeand low bridges so far as they are applicable to ,,,t;“Qf,§l,§§{Qf°°“'° 3. _ That any bridge constructed under this act and according to its limitation shall be a lawful structure, and shall be known as a post-route, and the same is hereby declared to be a post-route, upon which also no higher charge shal be made for the transmission over thesame of the mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States, and for passengers or freight passing over said bridge than the rate per mile paid for their transportation over the railroads and public lnghways leading to said brid e; and ual privileges in the use of said bridge shall be granted toall tele amli com nies- and “m·1“bs”Pb_ . gr p 9 e United States_shal1 have the right of way for postalliltelegraph purposes across said bridge.