Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/380

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334 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 677, 678. 1888. expenses while on the business of the Department, and other miscellaneous su plies and expenses not otherwise provided for, andrnecessary for idle practical and eilicient work of the Department, ntteen thousand dollars. EXPERIMENTAL STATIONS. Erperimeritstaiiims. That to carry into eifect the provisions of an act approved March V0l.M,p.440. second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several States, under the provisions of an act approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of the acts supplementary thereto," Eve hundred and ninety-five thousand dollars; ten thousand dollars of which sum shall be payable upon the order of the Commissioner of Agriculture to enable him to carry out the provisions of section three o said act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and to compare, edit, and publish nepma such of the results of the experiments made under section two of said act by said experimental stations as he may_ deem necessary; and for these purposes the Commissioner of Agriculture is authorized to employ such assistants, clerks, and other persons as he may deem necessary. Approved, luly 18, 1888. July 19. 1988- CHAP. 6'l8.—An act authorizing the Mississippi and Louisiana Bridge and Rail? ';°—"‘ road Company of Natchez, Mississippi, to construct a bridge over the Mississippi River at or near Natchez, Mississippi. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives if the ¤·!i%¤i¤¤*PPi gg United States of America in O0ng· assembled, That the issis-

any sippi and Louisiana Bridge and Railroad Company of Natchez, Mis-
L“,§° sissi pi, a corporation d y incorporated under the laws of the State

of llississippi, be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, mainnasiwaa m-nge. tain, and use a railroad bridge over the Mississippi River at or near Natchez at such point selected by them as the most suitable. 0¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤· Sec. 2. That said bridge may be constructed of continuous, unbroken spans, or as a cantilever or suspension bridge, or a combination of these systems, together with such improvements as science and practical experience ma suggest and as shall be deemed best, and to cross said river at right angles to the current thereof, and to be supported on iron cylinders filled with concrete or other material, with a superstructure of masonry or iron piling, or a combination of masonry and iron piling, or suc 1 other a ·>proved modes of support for the superstructure as may be deemed best. spam Sec. 3. hat the main channel-span shall not be less than seven hundred feet wide in the clear, to be placed at right angles to the direction of the current, and that the spans on either side of and next to the main span shall not be less than six hundred feet in clear width, ` and that the height in the clear of the spans and the location of the piers shall be approved by the Secretary of War before the bridge is grqvgm. constructed: Provided, That the height of said span shall not be less mg °‘ than seventv—five feet. rim. Sec. 4. That the piers of the spans shall be built parallel with the current at that stage of the river, and that no ripraps will be permitted in the channel-way of the o enings. ¥<>¤<¤¤- Sec. 5. That said Mississippi and) Louisiana Bridge and Railroad Company shall give due notice by publication for one week in one or more of the newspa§rs in the cities of Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Louis- . ville, Saint Louis, * emphis, Natchez, and New Orleans, and shall submit to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, a Hm mn etc- design and drawings of the bridge and piers, and a map of the loca-tion,