Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/382

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336 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 678-680. 1888. C°’”m?”*‘°¤¤°”*°¤d Sec. 12. That if the construction of said bridge is not commenced °°mpm°°°` in two years from the assage of this act, and completed in five years thereafter, all rights llereby conferred shall cease and determine. Approved, July 19, 1888. July 19, IU- CHAP. 6'I9.—An act to ratify an act entitled "An act creating the county of San "HHH Juan/’ in the Territory of New Mexico. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ect 0* New M°¥i°° United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act of the §‘¤lsL.i¤l;°cY,;$x legislative assembl of the Territory of New Mexico, passed February

  • ”°‘· twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and eightv-seven,_ent1tled "An act

creating the county of San J uan," be, and the same is hereby, ratified and confirmed. _ _ _ '1‘¤r¤·m>ri¤1l¤:1s1¤— Sec. 2. That nothing in the act approved July thirtieth, eighteen §},‘§,§’§,,,§"“’ "°°°° hundred and eighty-six, entitled an act "to ppohibit the passage of WL 2* P· ml- local or special laws in the Territories of the nited States, to imit Territorial indebtedness, and for other purposes," shall be construed to rohibit the creation by Territorial egislatures of new counties and) the location of the county seats thereof. Approved, July 19, 1888. July 19, im CHAP. 680.-An act authorizing the construction of a bridge across Flint River, "—""""‘ in the State of Georgia. Be it enacted big the Senate and House of Representatives of the A¤¤¤¤‘i¤¤¤· mm] *1,- United States of merica in Congress assembled, That the assent of °cI$ill#$§°TLy bridge Congress is hereby given to the Americus, Preston, and Lumpkm F““‘m'°"•‘*°°'€*‘· Railroad Com ny, an organization incorporated under the laws of the State of (ggorgia, its successors and assigns, to construct and maintain a bridge over Flint River, in the State of Georgia. P¤¤*· Sec. 2. That said bridge shall be a draw-bridge, to consist of two spans of forty feet on each side, and a draw of one hundred and eighty-four feet in the centre of the stream; the spans shall not be less

  • "°”i-’°· than thirty-eight feet above low-water mark: Provided, That if said

Qiggmmcwd ¤°"*· bridge shall, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, obstruct the navg°igatiou of said river, he is hereby authorized to cause such change or · a teration of said bridge to be made as will etfectually obviate such obstruction; and all such obstructions shall be removed, and alterations rnade at the expense of the owner or owners of said bridge. mi(;¤m*f_•;*rg,{;f°*¤'° _ Sec. 3, That any ridge built under this act and subject to its lunitations shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post-route, upon which also no hi her charge shall be made for thetransmission over the same of the mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States, or passengers or freight passing over said bridges, than the rate per mile id for the transportation over the railroads or public highways leading to said bridges; and they shall enjoy the rig ts and privileges of other postroads of the United States. And equal privileges in the use of said bridge shall be granted to all telegraph companies, and the United States shall have the right of way across said bridge and its ap- P°“‘°‘ '°'°¤"‘¥*'· preaches for said postal telegraph purposes. , ‘;,;f ‘° _ Sec. 4, That said bridge s al be built and located under and subject to such regulations for the security of navigation of said rivers as the Secretary of War shall prescribe; and to secure that object said company-Tor corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War a design and awings of said bridge, for his examination and approval, and a map of its location, and shall furnish such other information as may be reguired for a full and satisfactory understandin of the subject, and in all things shall be subject to such rules and