Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/456

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410 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 860. 1888. Ch°P°¤¤kR*"°’»Md- Improving Choptank River, Maryland: Continuing improvement, . seven thousand five hundred dollars. · €¤rSi¤¤ River- Md· Improving Corsica River, Maryland: Continuing improvement, ten thousand dollars. M,§*1;ry¢g:¤m RiV"· Improving Susquehanna River, Marcyland and Pennsylvania; Con- 'tinuing improvement, ten thousand ollars, to be expended above the Philadelphia, Wilinington and Baltimore Railroad bridge. Fairies Creek- Mi Improving Fairlee Creek or Inlet, Maryland, five thousand dollars. P¤¤¤¤¤¤¤RM*·Md· Improving Patuxent River, Maryland, five thousand dollars. P<>wm¤¤Riv<=r»D·0~ Improving Potomac River at Washington: Continuing improvement, three hundred thousand dollars. V£PY°m°“°x m'°'• Improving Appomattox River, Virginia: Continuing improve- ` ment, fifteen thousand dollars; and the Chief of Engineers is directed to cause to be examined and surveyed, and the cost estimated, for diverting the winter of the river above the harbor at Petersburgh _ _ _ to the old_North Channel, and report upon the same. _ _ €rC{,¤fk¤b0*m¤Y R"· Improving Chickahominy River, Virginia: Contmuing improve- ’_ ment, two thousand five hundred dollars. ·“““°s R“’°’·V“· Improving James River, Virginia: Continuing im rovement below _ _ Richmond, two hundred and twentyhve thousand dollars. M“°*°¥’°”’B"°"·V“· Improving l}?t%poni River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, three thousan dollars. MEu2,§°\?§fff,n?*$§?" _ Improving channel at Mount Vernon: Continuing improvement, _ _ six thousan dollars. N°'“““ °”°°k*V"" thImpro(yipg#*Tomini Creek, Virginia: Continuing improvement, tive · thousand dollars. P“'“““kYR"°'*v”“ Improving Pamunky River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, _ three thousand dollars. ,,,,${}§P“”“”“°°k R"‘ Improving Rappahannock River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, fifteen thousand dollars; of which three thousand dollars may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be used in continuing the im rovement of Urbana Creek, a tidal tributary thereof. S*¤°¤*°¤ B·“‘°'iv°·· 1pm roving Staunton River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, , V five thousand dollars. Y°'k R""' “' Impro(yg1g]York River, Virginia: Continuing improvement, thirty thousan dollars. ,,X,*f,'°,§,,}{“{3,{’,$'glf,Z Improving, by dredging and otherwise, the inland water-way, from ¢<>¤s¤+= Basis Chincoteague Bay, Virginia, to Delaware Bay, at or near Lewes, Delaware, to be used from Chincoteague Bay to Indian River Bay: A Continuing improvement, fifty thousand dollars, no art of which shall be expen ed until the right of way is secured dee of cost to the United States. “§¤¤¤¤¤¤·>¤¤ Rivet Improvino Nansemond River, Virginia, including the mouths of '_ _ Bennett Rllfl-’Clll2Cl({tlZllCl{ Creeks. ten thousand dollars. “P{¥,_$:3{*{yF*'“°'· Improving Big Sandy River, West Virginia and Kentucky; Continuing improvement, thirty-one thousand five hundred dollars. Elk R“’**”·W·V°· Improving Elk River, West Virginia: Continuing improvement, three thousand dollars. “Pe,·;~=h=¤¤¤<>¤ Ri’•’*'· Improving Buckhannon River. WeSt Virginia: Continuing im- ` " _ provement, one thousand five hundred dollars. €rf§§$“$,Q$“'““““R’*‘ Improving Great Kanawha River, West Virginia: Continuing _ improvement, three hundred and fift thousand dollars. “$‘3;f‘“"°“° R"°'· Improving Guyandottp dliger, Wlest Virginia: Continuing im- _ _ provement, two thousand dollars. erl·;{.fl{;,§¤”"”“ Rm Improving Little Kanawha River, West Virginia: Continuing imrone uboiisrm. provement, twenty-five thousand dollars; but no toll shall be col- ‘ ected by any person or corporation for this im roved navigation; and such riglht, if any exist, shall be relinquished) in a manner satisfactory to -t e Secretary of War before the expenditure of any of the _ money herein appropriated for this work. W§§2gf>¤¤·¤•>*¤ R·*’¤¤‘» Improving Monongahela River, West Virginia: To complete dam