Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/465

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 860. 1888. 419 Improving Minnesota River, Minnesota, includin rotectin and Mmmm Rivenholding the banks oppos_ite the borough of Belle Pladriie, so as td pre- Mm"` vent the r1ver from cutting through the narrow neck of land at that poipt and thereby changing its channel and course, ten thousand o ars. Improving WVabash River, Indiana and Illinois, above Vincennes; Webwh River. Ind. Continuing 1mprovement, five thousand dollars. '""d HL Improving Wabash River, Indiana and Illinois, below Vincennes: Continuing the work on lock and dam at Grand Rapids, near Mount Carmel, Illinois, fifty thousand dollars, and for continuing improvements, including the work at or near Grayville, ten thousand dollars. Improving Wliite River, Indiana: Continuing improvement, five White Rivcmnd. thousand do lars; no part of which is to be expended until the bridges are so changed as not to obstruct navigation. Improving Calumet River, Illinois and Indiana: Continuing im- ‘ff‘I:g°°“ m'°*”· m- provement, fifty thousand dollars; of which nfteen thousand is to be m ` used in improving the river above the Forks to one-half mile east of Hammond, and thirty-five thousand for the im rovement of the river between its mouth and One hundred and eightlh street. The amount heretofore appropriated for the improvement of said Calumet River from its mouth to its Forks, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be immediately available for the improvement between its mouth and One hundred and eighth street, anything in the act of July nfth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four and August V<>i·28,v·143· fifth,eighteen hundred and eighty-six to the contrary not withstanding. v°1`m’p‘ 325 Improving Illinois River, Illinois: Continuing improvement, two minds Rim- 111- hundred thousand dollars. And for the pn ose of securing a con- Survey for watertinuous navigable water-way between Liahe Michigan and the wg it°iif$g°;£i1;}§1§ Mississippi River, having capacit and facilities adequate for the F"'- passage of the largest Mississippi Itiver steam-boats, and of naval vessels suitable for defense in time of war, the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to cause to be made the proper surveys, plans, and estimates fora channel improvement and locks and dams in the beds of the Illinois and Desplaines Rivers from La Salle to Lockport, so as to provide a navigable water-way, not less than one hundred and sixt feet wide, and not less than fourteen feet deep, and to have surveyed, and located a channel from Lockport to Lake Michigan, at or near the city of Chicago, such channel to be suitable for the purposes aforesaid; the necessary expenses of such surveys. estimates, p ans, and location to be paid out of the sum herein appropriated for the improvement of the Illinois River. * The Secretary of War is further authorized and directed to cause m{_·<;;mj;>¤ {eng vlens to be located, on such line as he may approve, a canal from the llli— b,,m.m_°‘°" mm °° nois River at or near the town of Hennepin to the Mississippi River at or above the mouth of Rock River, together with a necessary feeder for the same, said canal to be known as the Illinois and Mississippi Canal, and to be eighty feet wide at the water line, and to have a depth of not less than seven feet of water, with locks one hundred and seventy feet long and thirty feet wide. The Secretary of \Var shall cause to be made and submitted to Congress detailed plans and GSt1— mates for the construction of said canal and feeder; the necessary expense of making such location, plans, and estimates shall be paid out of the unexpended balance on hand heretofore appropriated for the survey of said canal by the River and Harbor act approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, for the examination of said "°L24·P~¤°· Canal, and of the Illinois and Michigan canal by a board of Engineers. _ _ For continuin operations upon the reservoirs at the headwaters of the Mississippi Tliver, twelve thousand dollars, to be expended in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Engineers in their report to the Chief of Engineers, dated May twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. And it shall be the duty of the