Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/475

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sicss. I. Ch. 860. 1888. 429 Algonac on St Clair River, with view of uniting north and south S“"’€YS*C°¤*i¤¤€d- channels between Clark and Harsems Islands. MAINE. Maine. Monhegan Island Harbor. Belfast Harbor. Harbor and channel at Pembroke. Union River and Union River Bay. Harrissecket River. Saint Croix River: Resurvey. Medomac River. Pleasant River, from Columbia Falls to its mouth. Kenncbunk River. MISSOURI. Mgssom-L Clarksville Harbor. Saint Louis Harbor. Grand River. V The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to cause a survey to be made of the Osage River, Missouri, from its mouth upto the first shoal, and Eve miles above the same, and to report an estimate, based on such survey, of the cost of constructing one lock and dam within the limits of said survey, and the effect upon the_ navigation of said river, of constructing said lock and dam. Missouri River at Miami. NEW HAMPSHIRE. New Hampshire. Cocheco River, from Dover to its mouth. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to cause a survey to be made of the Hampton River in New Ham shire, and to direct the engineer makin the survey to report as to tllie most feasible, economical, and suitaI>le plan for improving the same. NEW MEXICO. New Mexico. Rio Grande River, from Embudo to El Paso, Texas. NEW YORK. NewYork. Water-way around Niagara Falls, of capacity and facilities suiiicient to float merchant ships and ships of war of modern build, drawing twenty feet of water, said water-way to commence in a navigable part of Niagara River, in Niagara County, at or near Tonawanda, and to end in the navigable waters of said river below said falls, or in navigable waters connected therewith. For the purposes hereof the Secretary of War, in his discretion, may take into consideration and revise the surveys and estimates of such a waterway heretofore made by Brevet Colonel C. E. Blunt, of the United States Corps of Engineers, in compliance with a joint resolution of the Congress approved March twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. V<>J.15.x>·21· Plattsburgliz For extension of three hundred feet on north end of the breakwater. Fort Pond Harbor, Montauk. East Rockaway Creek, Long Island. Browns Creek, Saysville. Port Jefferson Inlet. _ Wap[>inger’s Creek, from Wappinger’s Falls to 1tS mouth. Tarrytown Harbor. East Rockaway Creek. _ _ Salmon River, from railroad bridge at Fort Covington to the international line, with a view of deepening the channel to seven feet.