Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/508

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462 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 991. 1888. NW Y°’k· Navy—yard, New York: For one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; bwgueismd. N avy-yard, Lea e Island, Pennsylvania; For one clerk, at one thousand two hundilzd dollars; Noi-rmx. N avy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia.: For one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; inmismd. Navy-yard, Mare Island, California: For one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars· in all, eleven thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars. And no other fund appropriated by this act - shall he used in payment for such services. uguavngérésd Y¤¤·d¤ BUREAU or YARDS AND DOCKS. Gerwml m=¤i¤¤¤· MAINTENANCE or YARDS AND Docks: For general maintenance of "”°°‘ yards and docks, namely: For freight and transportation of materials and stores; books, maps, models, and drawings; purchase and repair of fire-engines; machinery; repairs on steam hre-engines and attendance on the same; purchase and maintenance of oxen and horses, and driving teams; carts and timber-wheels, and all vehicles for use in the navy-yards, and tools and repairs of the same; postage on letters and other mailable matter on pu lic service sent to oreign countries, and telegrams ; stationery ; furniture for Government houses and offices in the navy-yards; coal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; cleaning and clearing up yards and care of buildings; attendance on fires, lights, fire—engines, and apparatus; for incidental labor at navy—yards; water-tax and tolls and 'erriage; rent of four 0Hicers’ quarters at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; for pag of watchmen in na -yards, and for awnings and packing-boxes, an advertising for yaiig and docks purposes, one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars. Public works M ¤¤· Punmc Wo1zKs.—-Navy-yards and Stations: - "}§{#{?j N avy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: Water-pipes and laying of same, thirty-two thousand dollars. New York. Navy-yard, Brooklyn, New York: Re l1‘S to building on cob-dock now used as recreation hall by enlistedlden, five thousand dollars; boiler-shop and wing to machine—shop, sixty-eight thousand three hundred and forty dollars and forty-seven cents; one building for quarters for civil engineer, ten thousand dollars; reconstructing building number seven, partially destroyed by fire in January, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, sixty thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and forty-three thousand three hundred and forty dollars and forty-seven cents. League mum. Navy-yard, League Island. Pennsylvania: For repairs and imrovement of grounds and construction of protection wall, seventy- dve thousand < ollars; for one timber dry-dock, the contract price for the full completion of which shall not exceed the amount herein ap ‘ ropriated. five hundred and lift thousand dollars; in all, six hundred and twenty-tive thousand dollars. Ww¤i¤s¤>¤· Navy-yard, Washirngtori, District of Columbia: For the better rotection of the public property at the navy—yard, WV:-ishington, llistrict of Columbia, from danger from tire by means of electric fire alarms, time signals and watchman detectors, one thousand dollars. Norman. Navy—vard. Norfolk, Virginia; Iron and steel sho , seventy-nve thousand dollars; railroad extension, ten thousand dollars; boiler- . shpip extension, fourteen thousand four hundred and eighty-eight dollars; water system, fifteen thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and fourteen thousand four hundred and eighty-eight dollars. WN 1-—¤¤¤d- N avy-yard, Mare Island, California: Finishin boiler and machineshop, four thousand two hundred dollars; extemhng wharf from coalhouse to foundr . thirty thousand dollars: crane scow, seven thousand dollars; piledriver. five thousand dollars; twelve-ton Swingin crane, four thousand dollars; mud scow, four thousand five hundred dollars; in all, fifty-four thousand seven hundred dollars.