Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/54

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6 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 4. 1888. ¤¤·¤¤ Fon srnmrsz For sweeping, sprinkling, and cleaning streets, twenty dollars and sixty-seven cents. _ _ _ Sewers Fon LATERAL smwmns AND BASINSZ For cleaning and repairing, seventeen dollars and seventy cents. - For cleaning tidal sewers, nineteen dollars and seventy-three cents. . reuse. _ Fon ummoromrnn 1>oL1oE: For contingent expenses, ten dollars and nineteen cents. _ _ F*r¤<1¢v=¤‘¤¤=¤¤¤- Fon m12E DEPARTMENT: That authority is hereby given to use the unexpended balance of one hundred an sixty dollars of the appropriation for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen red and eighty-six, for the purchase of hose for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-eig t. _ For repairs to apparatus and new appliances, forty-nine dollars and forty-eight cents. _ _ To sup ly denciencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year _ eighteen liundred and eighty-five as fol ows: ¤¤v·*¤ °° **8**-* Ton THE FIRE DEPARTMENT: For repairs to engine-houses, twelve b°°°°°‘dollars and twenty-tive cents; for fuel, thirty-nine dollars and sixty cents. ' ·¤'•**”“*¤· Fon msommunous EXPENSES: For general advertising, thirty dollars and fifty cents. yy G££}¤¤¤°¤- To pay to Emily G. Ramsdell, widow of H. J. Ramsdell, late reg- "°°°ister of wills, for exipenses incurred by him in restoring and repairing the records an record-books of his office, three undred and twenty-five dollars. Ph&*§:w¤§*,§_“¤m To reimburse Frederick Douglass for record—books and general indices purchased and paid for by him while recorder of deeds, for use of his office, one thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven dollars. ¤_&M¤¤¢ •¤¤¤¤v¤¤ That one-half of the foregoing amounts, to meet deficiencies in T°°°°°"' the appropriations on account of the District of Columbia, shall be Eid from the revenues of the District of Columbia, and one—half m any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated. Fih-**1* o complete the erection of suitable fish-ways at the Great Falls of Vol!. a rw. the Potomac, authorized by the act entitled ‘ An act to increase the water-sgpply of the city of Washington, and for other purposes/’ approv uly fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, twenty- five thousand dollars. W•r1>en•r¤¤¤¤¤. WAR DEPARTMENT. cmtmmnnma To enable the Secretary of War to toChittenden Brothers '°"'“°"‘°°· contractors, for money expended in the ddiistruction of a dam at the Great Falls of the Potomac, over and above that contemplated in the contract with said Chittenden Brothers, as amended, the sum of fifteeu thousand dollars, lpayable from an unex nded balance of money appgoptriated for the construction o¥ such ddm. péxlhglpéig P.1>¤¤· To pay . . and C. P. Dull the amount ascertained by the Sec- ’ ‘ retary of War to be due them for work done on the Great Kanawha River, West Virginia, and by reason of chan es in their contract, and so forth, thirty-four thousand three hundred and seventy-nine new dollars andcthirgsy cpptg E 0¤¤¤·k¢¤ mr- o pa ar es c a erty the amount ascertained b the Secl°"°°"*°' retary ozWar to be due him for work on the Great Kanaxgha River, West Virgnma, and by reason of changes in his contract, and so forth, thirtythousand three hundred an seventy dollars and fifteen gfxé 0, mM_ cents; Preceded, That any contract indebtedness of said McCaiferty mem mcurred_ by subcontract, or for labor or material furnished for the prosecution of the work on which this sum is based, shall be first ascertained and paid by the Secretary of War and the balance paid to said McCaiferty. Said amounts s all be received in full satisfacmon of all claim under said contract.