Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/542

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496 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1038, 1039. 1888. shall be in lieu of all other assessments of taxes of whatsoever character upon its personal property, including Iits docks and barges, carsi and motive ower, but the real estate of the company may e taxe M. as other reahestate in the ]?‘istrict:1Provided, That the tracks of the ' company shall not be taxe as rea estate. lmfgsfgugggt *° M Sec. 6. That the water front at the end of all public streets and ` highways shall be and remain open to the use of the public. A¤¤<¤¤<i¤¤¤¤¢· SEO. 7. That this act may at any time be altered, amended, or repealed by the Congress of the United States. Approved, September 26 1888. Sevwmber 26.1888- CHAP. 1039.-An act amendatory of "An act relating to postal crimes and """;'; amendatory of the statutes therein mentioned," approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives raf the Egg} ¤¤ig,¤¤ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the last c ause ’p`of the second section of "An act relating to postal crimes, and amendatory of the statutes therein mentioned," approved June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight be, and the same is hereby, io amended as to read as fo lows, and constitute the third section o said act z ‘ mmdfncjgtgr gQ>§ga“;_ “Sec. 3. That all matter otherwise xnailable by law, u on the enpers, em, ncu·mair velope or outside cover or wrapper of which, or any postalgcard upon “u"* which, any delineations, epithets, terms, or language of an indecent, lewd, lascivious, obscene, libelous, scurrilous, defamatory, or threatening character, or calculated b the terms or manner or st le of display and obviously intended td reflect injl th y h urious y upon e c aracter or conduct of another may be written or printed, or otherwise impressed or apparent, are hereby declared non-mailable matter, and shall not be conveyed in the mails, nor delivered from any postoffice nor by any letter-carrier, and shall be withdrawn from the mails under such regulations as the Postmaster-General shall prescribe; and any person who shall knowingly deposit, or cause to be deposited, for mailing or delivery, anything declared bv this section to be non-mailable matter, and any person who shall knowingly take the same or cause the same to be taken from the mails, for the purepose of circulatpig or disppsing of, or of aiding in the circulation or isposition o the same, s a , for each and ever offense, u n eqnssumeum for conviction thereof, be fined not more than five thousland dollarslxbr "“‘“‘“*· i{nprisoned at} hard labor not more than live years, or both, at the c iscretion of t ie court/’ Sec. 2. That section thirty-eight hundred and ninet -three of the Revised Statutes, as amended by the act of July twelfth, eighteen hundred and sewlglentysix, is hereiby so amended as to read as follows: <>y·>¤¤· ·>*¤R_*¤%°; ‘· Src. 3893. very obscene, ewd, or lascivious book, am hlet, i.`iI]£e°l°r°d °° mm picture, lpaper, letter, writing. print, or other publicationpof gn in- 8n*}é§5;*f-‘”“·P·7“· r ecent c aracter, and every article or thing designed or intended for Letters added- the prevention of conception or procuring of abortion, and every artgc e or thing intended or faéiapte for any indecent or immoral use, an every written or print card, letter, circular book, hl t, advertisement or notice of any kind giving information, digigbtly (br indirectly, where or how, or of whom, or by`what means any of the hereinbefore mentioned matters, articles, or things may be obtained or made, whether sealed as iirst-class matter or not, are herebv declared to be non—mailable matter, and shall not be conveyed in the mails nor delivered from any post-office nor by any letter-carrier; gnd anyi person grlio shall kigglringliy dppogsitzor iause to be deposited, or_ma1 ing or e ivery, an ing ec ar y t is sect' t - mailable matter, and any person who shall knowingly tm the glmb,