Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/566

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520 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1069. 1888. two hundred thousand dollars. And all furniture now owned by the United States in other buildings shall be used as far as practicable, whether it corresponds with the present regulation plans for furnih ture or not. F f 1 1 ht F¤¤¤· I ¤¤·.w!**"· FUEL, LIGHTS, AND WATER ron PUBLIC BUILDINGS: or ue , ig s, ew" Whig: bmmmgs water, electric-light plants, including repairs thereto, in such buildings as may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury for electric-light wirin , and miscel aneous items required by the janitors and Bremen in Uie proper care of the buildings, furniture, and heating apparatus, exclusive of personal services, for all public buildings, inclu Ing marine hospitals, under the control of the Treasury Department, inclusive of new buildings, six hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. And the appropriation herein made for gas in any of the public buildings in the istrict of Columbia under the control of the Treasury Department shall include the rental or use of Gasgovernon-¤,erc. any gas-governor, gas—purifier, or other device for reducing the expenses of ga , when first approved by the Secretary of the Treasury Promo. m and orderedtlgy him in writing: Provided, That no sum shall be paid L"'°"’"°° for such ren or use of such gas-governor, gas-puriner, or device greagerhthap the one—half part of the amount of money actually save there y. u1*{$;ti¤z. ew. we HEATING APPARATUS FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS: For heating, hoist- ° dum ing, and ventilating apparatus, and repairs to the same, for al public buildings, including marine hospitals, under control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of personal services except for work done by contract, ninety thousand dollars. venus. Safes. and VAULTS, SAFES, AND LOCKS FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS, INCLUDING '°°*’**’“°"°b‘"l°‘"g‘ NEW BUILDINGS: For vaults, safes, and locks, and repairs to the same, for all public buildings under control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of ersonal Services except for work done by contract, fifty thousand) dollars. bulgglps for public PLANS FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS: For books, photographic materi- °gS” als, and in duplicating plans required for all public bui dings under control of the Treasury Department, four thousand dollars. emma; deepen. COUNTERFEITING AND OTHER CRIMES: For the ex- §Q;f“g "°““""“"““g· penses of detecting and bringing to trial and punishment ersons engaged in counterfeitinglTreasury notes, bonds, national-bank notes, an other securities of the United States, as well as the coins of the United States, and other felonies committed against the laws of the United States relating to the pay and bounty laws, including four thousand dollars to make the necessary investigation of claims for nuym of deceased reimbursement of expenses incident'to the last sickness and burial F"j{§f[';‘;f· mg p_ ,,1,, of deceased pensioners under section forty-seven hundred and eighteen of the evised Statutes, and for no other purpose whatever, sixty-four thousand dollars. cgi¤;u<;i¤¤ b°¤¤*¥ INVESTIGNTING PSY AND BOUNTY CLAIMS OF INDIAN SOLDIERS: ` For continuing the mvestigation of certain claims of Indian soldiers and their heirs for arrears of pay and bounty, two thousand dollars. Careot mdeeze. LANDS AND OTHER PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES: For custody, care, and protection of lands and other property belonging to the United States, five hundred dollars. c·dmpeseme¤mueu COMPENSATION IN LIEU OF MCIETIES: For compensation in lieu °' m°·*****$· of moieties in certain cases under the cust0ms—revenue laws, thirty thousand dollars. macys! ¤PPmi$9¤° EXPENSES OF LOCAL APPRAISERS MEETINGS: For defrayiug the """" necessary expenses of local appraisers at quarterly meetings for the puxépose of securing uniformity in the appraisement of dutiable goods at IITBTGHD ports of entry, two thousan five hundred dollars. Ngcgggmmm. ANCHORAGE or VESSELS IN Pom or Nmw YORK: To enable the Ame, p.is1. Secretary of the Treasury to carry into effect the provisions of "An act relating to the anchorage of vessels in the port of New York,"