Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/576

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530 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1069. 1888. Demise statement That hereafter it shall be the duty of the Interstate Commerce · "°l’°“‘“‘l°‘ Commission to include in their annual report to Congress a statement showing in detail their expenditures for each fiscal year, including the number of persons employed and the amount of compensation to each. WM D¤P¤¤‘*¤¤¤¤*· UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT. m*}S*f¤°“°° °·“° °'* Aizmonms AND Ansniuns. R¤¤k1¤1¤¤d· For the Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, as follows: For completing armory-shop K, an iron nnishing shop, seventeen thousand two hundred dollars. For continuing storehouse K, thirty-five thousand dollars. For new office: For putting concrete floors in basement ; plastering basement walls and ceilings ; gas-machine and fixtures ; plumbing in second story; making she ves, drawers, and pigeon holes for vaults ; replacing wooden outside steps with granite; office furniture and fixtures, and connecting water arrangements with elevated tank and reservoir, nine thousand dollars. For machinery and shop-fixtures, ten thousand dollars. For general care, preservation, and improvements; for building new roads; for care and preservation of the water·power; for painting and care and preservation of permanent buildings, bridges, and shores of the island; for building fences, grading grounds, and repairs and extension of railroad, ten thousand dollars. For ermanent shafting underground through north end of arsenal shops hy brick tunnels between shops; gearing, and so forth, from sho "A" to sho “I," twenty thousand dollars. Bridge expenses- Far the Rock Island Bridge as follows z For care, preservation, and expense of maintaining and operating the draw, nine thousand dollars. R¤¤<>¤S¤’¤¤¤¤Sd¤¤· For the reconstruction of the Government dam at the Rock Island Arsenal, and for the immediate construction of a temporary dam to furnish water-power for said arsenal and to be used as a coifer-dam when the permanent dam is reconstructed, two hundred and sevent - tive thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to hre Ifrmjnljw. expended under the direction of the Secretary of War: Provided, ,,.l;',,‘§l’Qf{Y’ °f °h° G"' That this appropriation shall not be construed or held as importing or implying any obligation on the part of the United States to maintain said dam or works by reason of any obligation to said Moline Water—P¢*>wer Company, and no money hereby appro riated shall be expended until the Mo ine Water-Power Company shall agree that no liability on the part of the Government to maintain the dam, water-power, or other works in connection therewith exists whenever the Government shall see tit to relinquish the use of said power: Reccnvcyancwf Provided fu*rthe·r, That whenever the Government shall cease to "°""’°"°" maintain or use said water-power, it shall reconvey in fee simple, to said Moline Water-Power ompany, its right and title to use the same. For repairs of draw-pier of the Rock Island Bridge, fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessar . For repairs of dykes and embankments of the water-power pool, and for dredging and scouring out mud in said pool, `twenty-five thousand dollars. xp;-gem menu. Knmmnmc Ansrmn., Mxmnz For repairs to walks, grounds, ‘ sewers, drains, and for new and necessary sewers and drains, two thirusand dgllars. or intr ucin city water and for necess chan es and repairs in plumbing work, two thousand dollars. my g