Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/589

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CII. 1069. 1888. 543 For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this Subsistence. head for the Central Branch, one hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred dollars; For clothing, including the same objects specified under this head Clothing. for the Central Branch, thirty-five thousand dollars; For household, including the same ob`ects specified under this nougema. head for the Central Branch, fifty thousand one hundred and twenty- five dollars; For hospital, including the same objects specified under this head Hospital. for the Central Branch, twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-six dollars and fifteen cents; For transportation of members of the Home, six thousand dollars; Tmspmmon. For construction, including the same objects specified under this C<>¤¤t¤ictio¤,ot¤- head for the Central Branch, forty thousand dollars; For farm, including the same olfects specified under this head 'for Fawthe Central Branch, nine thousand two hundred and thirty-seven dollars and sixtv—five cents; in all, three hundred and nineteen thousand three hundred and eighpy-eight dollars and eighty cents. AT THE PACIFIC BRANCH: or maintenance, fifty thousand dollars; memo Bi-umn. For additional buildings required at the Pacific Branch, forty M’“""°“"“°°· thousand dollars; in all, ninety thousand dollars ; For additional barracks at the Northwestern, Southern, and West- Admuommmn. ern Branches, one hundred and one thousand dollars; For out-door relief and incidental expenses, twenty-eight thousand gglfnwr *¤¤¤f· six hundred and fifty dollars; in all, two million and eighty-eight °°S' thousand nine hundred and forty-four dollars and sixty .cents. And hereafter the provisions of section thirty-six hundred and ninety and R. S., secs. 3690,:-m1. thirty-six hundred and ninety-one of the Revised Statutes of the "‘m‘ United States shall a ply to all appropriations made for the maintenance of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers: Pro- MM- vided gurlher, That it shall be the duty of the managers of said Home, on or efore the first day of October in each year, to furnish to the Secretary of War estimates, in detail, for the support of said Home Es°*m°'·°°- for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of July thereafter, and the Secretary of War shall annually include such estimates in his estimates for his Department. UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. ,,gg$¤·¤¤··¤·=·>iJ¤= Bcrnmxc, DEPARTMENT or Jusrrcnz For repairs to heating ap- Ri-pairs. paratus, keeping the same in good order, three hundred dollars. COURT—HOUSE,WASHINGTON,DISTRICT OFCOLUMBIA: For annual mcourt-house. Wow geppirs, per estimate of the Architect of the Capitol, one thousand gm"' o ars. . For extension of heating a paratus and coal-vaults of City Hall, two thousand four hundred ello lars. IDAHO PENITENTIARY: For the improvement and enlargement of I<1==¤¤P¤¤it¤¤ti¤ry- the penitentiary at Boise City, Idaho, twenty-five thousand dollars. _ _ UTAH PENITENTIARY: Towards the construction of an additional Um P°'“*°¤*”¤'Y- wing to prison, one hundred and twenty cells, with hospital, female prist m. and chapel attached; for stockade entrance, to consist of offices, warden’s residence, guard-quarters, dining-rooms, and armory; for wall with Sentry-boxes to mclose about two acres of land, and for ]lUl‘<‘l1€tS(> of water-right and twenty acres of land, the cost of said water-right and land not to exceed five thousand dollars, fifty-five thousand dollars. PENITENTIARY IN WYoiIINC TERRITORY: For completion and nec- reuicentmw, Wye essary repairs of penitentiary building. in addition to the amount "“”g‘ appropriated in the sundry civil appropriation act approved August fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, ten thousand dollars. V°1·“~P·252·