Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/599

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 1093, 1094. 1888. 553 Revised Statutes, and_to change the boundaries of the fourth 0o1lec- ins. ¤ee.2saz,p.scs, tion district of Virginia, " approved June fifteenth, eighteen hundred *"{¥§f‘§d,,_ Im andileaghtygzwo, be, and the same is hereby, further amended so that i 1 s a rea : " That the district of Newport News shall comprise all the waters Newport News disand shores from the point forming the south shore of the mouth of t"°°‘ the Rappahannock River, along the coast of the Chesa eake Bay, to Back River Light-House; thence to a point south of oid Point Comfort midway in the channel of Hampton Roads; thence in a southwesterly direction to Pig Point Light—House; thence along the south shore of the James River to a point on the lpeninsula formed by the James and York Rivers opposite Williams urgh, and thence across said peninsula to the south ank of York River, so as to embrace in said district, in addition to the ports heretofore included, Hampton and Newport News; in which ewport News shall be the port of difiozts <>f ¤¤*¤’ me entry, an Yorktown a port of delivery." ° v ry` Sncci Thattsectiotp two of the said act be, and the same is hereby, amen soas o rea : "Sec. 2. The district of Norfolk and Portsmouth to comdprise all the Ngrlfgrstgnd Ports waters and shores within the State of Virginia southwar of the dis- m°" °°’ trict of Newport News, as above described, and not included in the districts of Petersburgh and Richmond; in which Norfolk and Ports- dgiorts of entry and mouth pléah be the sole ports of entry, and Suffolk and Smithfield the V`"' ports o e ivery. ’ . Approved, October 12, 1888. C0CHéA§•. actlsclpgzenring the settlement of the boundary-lines between October 12,1%. _ mi cu an e . i··········· Whereas Robert G. Pike, William M. Hudson, James A. Bill, and Boundary umm Charles B. Andrews, commissioners of the State of Connecticut, gf},,'},},' §’,‘{,:,j,f“" ““‘* and J . Herbert Shedd, Albert L. Chester, and Daniel F. Larkin, Fmmbiecommissioners of the State of Rhode Island, dulyxappointed by their respective States to ascertain and agree upon the boundary-line in the waters of the sea between Connecticut and Rhode Island, and designate the same by suitable monuments, did meet, attend to the duties of their appointment, and agree upon said boundary-line in the waters of the sea between said States, and did designate the same by suitable monuments, all of which fully appears in an agreement executed by said commissioners, dated the twenty-fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, reported by said commissioners respectively to the general assembly of elach of said States and recorded in the omce of the Secretary of eac State; and Whereas the agreement made by said commissioners, establishing said boundarydine, has been rat' ed and confirmed by said States, to wit, by the State of Connecticut in a resolution of its general assembly approved Ma fourth, eighteen hundred and eightyeseven, and by the State of Rhode Island b a resolution of its general assembly passed May fifth, eighteen hundred and eight -seven: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House oflrliepresenlcztzves of the Unilecl Smtes ofAme1··ica, in Congress assembled, That the consent q,,,,mm,f;·,.mas of the Congress of the United States be, and hereby is, given to said °‘°"" agreement, and to each and every part thereof, and the boundaries established by said agreement are hereby approved: Promclerl, hogv- grqpzm. _ ever, That nothing herein contained shall be considered to_11npair, d,},}}}f,°‘j,§,‘§f,‘f,’,°ld‘f"“ or in any manner to affect any right of the United States or Jurisdictiopl of its courts, in and over the waters which form the subject of sai agreement. Approved, October 12, 1888.