Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/616

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570 FIFTIETI-I CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1210. 1888. vox. 24,p.22s. Island, by the acts of August fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty- six, and March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, are Am, p. 4s. hereby made available without condition for the purc ase of a suitable site at the entrance of said harbor, and for the erection and completion of a light-house and fog-signal. Rmmzuicsmmnr or Kmnrmns or Lienr-Srntrions ron Pmnsoiun

 LOSSES: To reimburse the keepers of light-stations at _Matagorda,

iwamumaug nep Texas, and Sabine Pass, Louisiana, for personal losses incurred by °"“· · them durin the storms of August and October, eighteen hundred and eigpty-six, Eve hundred and ei§1ty-two dgmars an Sseventygive cenrgs. Jmu A, Smith- Enmiv or 01: ABE!) . MITH, NITED TATES RMY: o oslzmdn m °°°°°°°° enable the fproper accounting officers of the Treasury to settle the accounts 0 Ma`or Jared A. mith, United States Army, late engineer of the fifth and six light-house districts, for Mosquito In et light-station, Florida, third quarter of eighteen hundred and eighty- four, authority is hereby granted for the allowance of the sum of two hundred and thirty-five dollars and twenty-five cents, being the balance of a payment made by him under authority of the Secretary of the Treasury for expenses incurred in connection with the trans- Entation and interment of the remains of Maéjor O. E. Babcock, nited States Army, formerly engineer of said istricts, and burial of the remains of P. Luckey, his clerk who were drowned while attempting to land on the coast of Florida for the purpose of inspecting the work of constructing the light-house at Mosquito In- _ let, Florida. bpm or c¤¤¤¤—— DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. _R¤1¤m [ of wr- For the redemption of one certificate of indebtedness issued by {,`2§:°°° °¥u"?g°bt°°` authoritly of section seven of the act of the legislative assembly, approved une twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, dated _u1y first, eighteen hundr and seventy-three, of the denomination of fifty ollars, with interest at the rate of eight per centum per annum,_ numbered thirteen hundred and seventy-one, payable dug? first, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, one hundred and ten o ars. P°“¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤>¤¤ _ Pomona _DE1>AR·r1mN•r: For salaries of three matrons for police stations, at six hundred dollars each; for accommodations for matrons at police stations, three thousand two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; in all, five thousand dollars, being for the service of the fiscal_ year eighteen hundred and eightv-nine. u¤Re§p¤¤e¤ze1eg:·¤ph To enaple the Cplmmissionem og the District of Columbia to repair or recons ruc suc portions o the fire alarm a d l' t l h lines of the District of Columbia, as may be in 31eii·)Oo1di1i¢i9n;9gal'laisi)o- lutelly necessary for the public safety, five thousand dollars, or so pine htthereof as may ble neicesparyd said sum to be available until arc ourt 1, eig een uu re an eig t -nine. A¤¤¤—¤¤<>r‘¤<>f¤¤¤. Assmssoiis OFFICE: For stationery, printing, supplies, and regerndeé- cifadeedsdfortfuginishing list of transfers, eight hundred and o ·s an six y- ve cen s. €'¤¤¢¢=¤r‘¤ <>f¤¤¤- COLLECTOR’S OFFICE: For printing, stationery and furniture three hundred and sixty-four dollars. , ’ nmkm. Mnnxprsz For} fuel, hardware, and plumbing, fifty-three dollars an nine een cen s. mugams-·¤ emu,. ENGINEER’S Ormcm; For stationer ,t' . f l f · . horseshoeing. three hundred and eighlty-giiindblirs Idiid fdhhgcintlsd aieigtgrovemcncor Iinizovmmxrs AND REPAIRS: For improvement of streets and alysnues, nogthpeast segtiion {granite paving blocks), one hundred and · y-nine dollars an we ve c . m_§,;gg%=·;g8i{;·‘;i;; Tggnnegfrni AgDLT€LEPHON€H%F§)§ICg. Drsrmcr on Conummnz pugam ay_ an ar "n ergroun a e ompany for und d P Y °“"°· cable laid in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, ehidrgiime