Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/626

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580 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. cH. 1210. ieee. INDIAN AFFAIRS. dixgsiem Miemi iii- WESTERN MIAMI INDIANS: For the payment of Tho_mas F. Richard- Thouiaskichardvihe. Ville for services and expenses as delegate representing the Western E‘}§§";§f“5;g; Miami Indians in Washington, one thousan dollars, to be paid out ’ of the appropriation provided for said Indians In the sundry c1v1l_appropriation act for the fiscal year eighteen huudredand eighty-nine, andl to be deducted from the amount to be paid said Indians thereun er. fKe*k¤¤i§i¤;,ig&¤- KASKASKIA, WEA, PEoR1A, AND PIANKESHAW INDIANS: For the mw in.;}°§`m ° payment of John Wadsworth for services and eirpenses as delegate }gPy'§Dg,Q§"°"°"· representing the Kaskaskia, Wea, Peoria, and Piankeshaw Indians .4me,p.s2eI in Washington, one thousand dollars, to be paid out of the appropriation provided for said Indians in the sun ry civil appropriation act for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and to be deducted from the amount to be paid said Indians thereunder. kmsgiip mma one- EASTERN BAND or CuERoKEE INDIANS or NORTH CARoL1NA: '° tf? B: 1Z§”S,.g,,g,,,, md For payment to B. Ferguson and Frederick C. Fisher, of Waytnes- Fi1*;>g¢¤;ij]fiéDFi¤¤¤F- ville, orth Carolina, for services rendered as attorneys for the eastymern band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina, from October, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, to November first, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, six hundred dollars each, one thousand two hundred dollars. p'-·T· Hizdiey- For pay of W. J. Hadley, as superintendent of the Indian Indusanuiliiigiiil cliifggzl, trial School at Chilocco, Indian Territory, from October nine, eight- ¤°**°°'· een hundred and eighty-three, to November fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eightv·three, both dates inclusive, one hundred and i"·‘<¤¤¥¤>· fifty dollars and eighty-two cents: Provided, That the Secretar of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to pay over to the clruly authorized treasurer of the Creek Nation, the sum of eight hundred and sixty dollars and fifty-nine cents now standing to the credit of creekor-pnmruua the Creek Orphan Fund on the books of the Treasur , being the aggregate of the sums due the Creek orphans or their heirs under the von 7. p. 358- treaty of March twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and the provisions of an act entitled "An act to reimburse the Creek V0l.22,p.301. Orphan Fund," approved August seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and that the receipt of the treasurer of the Creek Nation shall be a release of the United States and considered a Hnal settlement of the Creek Orphan matter. mggseomm Depart- POST—OFFICE DEPARTMENT. mu uepmmmcns. For mail depredations and post-office inspectors. and fees to United States marshals, attorneys, and the necessary incidental expenses connected therewith, being a deficiency on account of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eig ity-six, one hundred and twenty dollars and thirty-two cents. r<>stm¤¤tcrs’¤¤r For compensation to postmasters, being a deficiency on account of “"°“· the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eightv-seven, two hundred and , twenty-nine thousand four hundred and eighty-one dollars and forty- one cents. mammtmswna For inland transportation, railroad routes, five hundred and sixty- “°”· two thousand four hundred and eighty-two dollars. clerks in post. For compensation to clerks in post—offices, being a deficiency on °"‘*°°°· account of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, two hundred and forty-two thousand two hundred and seventv~one dollars and twenty-one cents. ° roreignmnus. For transportation of foreign mails from the United States to foreign countries, sixteen thousand dollars. mggablemmwml The foregoing sums for the postal service shall be ayable from °°°` the postal revenues of the respective years to which they are properly chargeable.