Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/7

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viii LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTION S. ' Page. Agrgj uml tam;;'. romote agni ture, and for other purposes. June 18, 1888. 186 Postal ¢:rimesftaAn act crimes, and amendatory of the statutes therein men- 187 tioncd. June 18, 1888 . I ... Right of way, Fort McOla1•y. An act granting to the_ York Harbor and Beach Railroad Company aht of way. June 18, 1888 ... . . . .: . _. 188 Bridge, Ocamclelgtiver. An act to authorize the county of Inurens, ur the _State of Georgia, to construct a bridge across the Oconee River, at or near Dublm, ID sand county and State. 188 1 , 1888 . .. _ ... Post-rg::;;? An act to authorize the Pos¤naster—GeneraJ to cancel mail contract on route number thirty thousand one hundred, and for other purposes: June 18, 1888 189 Public building, Hoboken, M .L An act for the erection of a public building at Hoboken, New 189 Jersey. June 18, 1888 .. .  : .. : .. Eckingtofn, etc., Railway, District of Columbia. an act to mcorporate the lilckmgton and So1· diers’ Home Railway Company of the District of Columbia. June 19, 488 . .. _. . . 190 Public building, Bay City, Mich An act for the erection of a public building at Bay C1ty,

 Blulne 19,t18g8 .     ..   .   .   . .     .   . 194

Public z i , `pqnor, cnn. or erecting` o apu c ga ri gepo , Conneolgcut. une 19, 1888 . ,. _ .. .. _..:.:..; 195 Bridge, River. A11 act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the M1ss1ss1pp1 · River at ickman, Kentucky. June 19, 1888 . . . . ._ ... 2 . . . 195 Bridge, Rock Creek, District of Columbia. An act to authorize the construction of a brigngge across Rock Creek, at the Woodley Lane Road, in the District of Columbia. June 19, 1 1 197 Bridge, Missouri River. A11 act to authorize the construction of a bridge over the Misssoun River at or near the city ot Omaha, Nebraska. June 22, 1888 . . . 198 Rock Creek Railway Company, caf Columbia. An act to incorporate the Rock Creek Railway Coméaany of the District Columbia. June 28, 1888 .. 199 Additional judge, tah. An ac1;;£·oviding for an additional amoeiate justice of the supreme court of the Territory of U , and for other purposes. June 25, 1888 ... 203 Bridge, Tennessee River. An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Tennessee River at or near Knoxville, Tennessee. June 25, 1888 . ; 204‘ Right of way, Indian Territory. An act to authorize the Paris, Choctaw and Little Rock Railway Company to construct and operate a railway, telegrg, and telephone line through the Indian Territory, and for other purposes. June 26, 1 205 New York Harbor, ·injurwu,s deposits. An act to prevenhobstrncixive and injurious deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of New YorkGity, by dumping or otherwise, and to punish and `prevent such offenses. June 29, 1888 209 Bridge, Red River, Tea:. An act to authorize the Paris, Choctaw and Little Rock Railway Company toumstruct a bridge across Bed River at or near Ho0k’s Ferry, Red River County, Texas. June 29, 1888 ... , .. .. . 210 Bridge,Tm C7'6Bk,DId. An acttoautborisetheco¤stn1ctionofa1nidgeacrose’1&·ailCreek, · in the city of llichign City, Indiana. June B9, 1888 ... 211 Bridge. Red River of the orth. An act authorizing thecoustruction of a bridge across the Red River2of the North by the Duluth, Rainy Lake River and Southwestern Railway Company. June 9, 1888 .. . ... 212 Bridge, Red Ri-ver of the North. An act authorizing the construction of a railroad bridge across tggslted River of the North by the North Dakota: and Pacific Railway Company, June 29, 1 .. 214 National cemetery road, New Berne, N C'. An act to authorize the construction of a graveled or macadamized road from the city of New Berne, North Carolina, to the national cemetex near said city. June 29, 1888 . . ... 215 Bridge, . oambee River. An act to authorize the construction of a wagon and toot-passenger bgglzge across the Noxubee River, at or near Gninsville, in the State of Alabama. June 29, 1 . . Indian amrvgriationa. An act making arpnlro riations for the current and contin nt expenses 216 of dian Department, and for u lgng treaty stipulations with vurioussllidian tribes, for the yrear sg une thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and for other pur- . une , . . 2 lf’inne£go Reserm tion, Ncbr, An act authorizing the sale of a portion of the Winnebago Res· 17 ervation in Nebraska. July 4, 1888 .,.. . ,.,... . .. 240 Bridge, Columbia River. An act to authorize Dalles City to construct n. bridge across the Co. lumbia River, in the State of Oreion and Territory of Waslnington. July 9, 1888 240 Cadet mom, Naw. An act to Bx the status in the Navy of certain cadet engineers. July 9, 1 . . . .. . ... 241 Bridge, Cumbew-land River. An act to authorize the construction ot a. bud` ge over'L land River, between Bumside, Kentucky, and Carthage, in Tennessee, or thetSh:uCtl;mi't;-2 of said river. between Burnside and Tateville, Kentucky. July 9, 1888 .. 242 International marine conference. An act providing for an intematioual marine conference to _ secure greater safety for life and property at Sea. July 9, 1888 . . ..,. 248 Brulges, Snake and Clear Water Rivers. An act authorizing the construction of railroad bridges across the Snake River and across the Clear Water River, by the Oregon Railway and G1, Jtl]y9,]88$ .. ..-.£Bé§é. ·.·.· U-. ... ... SM 'r s’ orm kool, . . An act to incor orate orm School for Girls DIQ · Publ. 0§u(37(gumbi;il}wi1u1y % 1888 .. . ... $46 w i ,i a. am. act or the completion of bbuilding • ° Kansusg July 9, 1888 é .. 246 Wills, D. O. An actmlaungto thereoordof willsin theDistrictof Columbia, July 9, 1888... 248