Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/804

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 317. 1889. 759 Muscogee (or Creek) Nation, have hereunto set our hands and seals, at the place and on the day first above written, in duplicate, [SEAL.] WILLIAM F. VILAS_, Secretary of the Interior. SEAL. PLEASANT oRTEn, SEAL. DAVID M. I-IoDGE, sEAL. ESPARHECHER, his x mark. n presence of : J om: P. HUME, Ronmrr V. BELT. Whereas the Muscpgee (or Creek) Nation of Indians has accepted, AcceptaucebyCre¤k ratified, and confirm said articles of cession and agreement by act N““°“· of its national council, approved by the principal chief of said nation_ on the thirty-iirst day of January, anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, wherein it is (provided that the grant and cession of land and territory therein ma e shall take eifect when the same shall be ratified and counrmed by the Congress of the United States of America, Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United States of America in Oongrress assembled? That said articles of cession and agreement are hereby accepted, ratified, and con- q;,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,, of 0,,,, firmed. · Si<>¤· · Sec. 2. That the lands acquired by the United States under said mm? ¤<uui¤¤<1 w agreement shall be a part of the public domain, but they shall only Smahuetiii. ° hmm be disposed of in accordance with the laws regulating homestead en- PM. r- 1006- tries, and to the persons ualiiied to make such homestead entries, not exceeding one hundrdh and sixty acres to one qualified claimant. And the revisions of section twenty-three hundred and one of the KS-€¢¢—'%0r1>·421 Revised Statutes of the United-States shall not apply to any lands acquired under said agreement. Any person who may enter upon any part of said lands in said agreement mentioned prior to the time that the same are opened to settlement by act of Congress shall not be permitted to occupy or to make entry of such lands or lay any claim thereto. Sec. That for the purpose of carrying out the terms of said APP*°P**¤**<>¤· articles of cession and agreement the sum of two million two hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars and ten cents is die-reby a. propriated. _ _ SEc. i. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized ,,§,‘f.§,$,}.°_}}·,h;,'[.,E_lQ§ and directed to pay, out of the appropriation hereby made, the sum N¤¤¤<>¤- of two hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars and ten cents, to the national treasurer of said Muscogee (o1· Creek) Nation, or to such person as shall be duly authorized to receive the same. at such time and in such sums as shall be directed and required by the national council of said nation. and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby further authorized and directed to place the remaining sum of two million dollars in the Treasury of Bsiancmmreau or the United States to the credit of said Muscogee (or Creek) Nation 9***** ¥‘¤**·>¤- of Indians, to be held for, and as provided in said articles of cession and agreement, and to bear interest at the rate of five per centum per I¤¤tmS¤- annum, from and after the first day of July, anno Domini eighteen hundred and eightynine; said interest to be paid to the treasurer of said nation annual y. Approved, March 1, 1889.