Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/814

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 321, 322. 1889. 769 Genera.] of the United States to bring suit in the name of the United States, to quiet and settle the titles of the Black Bob band of Shawnee . Indiaus," bc, and the sa,n1•s· is hereby, repealed: Provided, That, this 2mm. act; shall not be s0 construed as to affect the validity of any decree D°°r°°s` heretofore re11dered by the United States circuit court for the district of Kansas under the provisions of said joint resolution, or to imyiair the power of said court to set aside or amend or correct any such < ecree, or to divest: any IQPLIJCY in interest of his right to ap eal to the United States Supreme bourt within the time limited by gw. Approved, March 1, 1889. CHAP._ 322.-Au act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Coosa M¤¤=hri889- River at Gadsden, in the State of Alabama. 1; » Be if enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unuiled States of America in Congress assembled, That the Amzxiston Apmsmnaudcmcmand Cincinnati Railroad Company, em corporation created and exist- "“" gg§},‘Q;‘ ing under the laws of the State of Alabama., having constructed a %;3}'°¤‘ ¤'= G¤¤¤d¤¤» bridge, and approaches thereto, over the Coosa River, at or near ` Gadsden, in Etowah Count , on a. direct line from Anniston, in Calhoun County, to Attala, in Izltowah County, in the State of Alabama, said company is hereby authorized to kee and maintain the same: Provided, That the Secretary of VK/'ar shag] approve the plans and Bmwdimensions of said bridge. Said bridge if approved by the Secretarly of War shall be mmutaiucd so as to provide for the passage of mi way trains, and, at the option of the corporation b which it is R-¤i1w3»;’¤v¤gc¤,¤¤d built, may be used for the passage of wagons and vcgxiclcs of all f°°°b" ‘ kinds, for the transit of animals, and for foot passengers, upon com ditions to be agreed u 011 between said corgoration and the county commissioucfs court cy? the said county of towah and approved by the Secretary of \Var. Sec. 2. That the bridge authorized under this act and subject to Lyrfuistnrcturcand its limitations shall be a. lawful structure, and shall be recognized WS `r°“t°‘ and known as a. post-rout, and shall enjoy the rights and privileges of other post-roads in the United States. That no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mail, troops, and munitions of war of the United States, or for through railway passengers or freight passing over said bridge, than the mts per mile for their transmission over the railroad leading to said bri<lge. and equal privileges in the use of said bridge shall be granted to all telegraph com emias, and the United States shall have the right of way across saicf bridge for postal-telegraph purposes; that the said P¤$¢¤¤ =¤¤¢zm1>\¤- bridge shall, either by draw, span, or otherwise, provide and secure Y _ a. free and unobstructed passage-way to all watercraft navigating gaY{;ff"‘"‘°'°d “¤“· said river at the point; aforesaid: Providerl, That said bridge author- €‘¢>vf»~s. ized by this act being constructed as al drawbridgc the draw shall be "‘“‘ opened promptly upon reasonable signals for the passage of boats or vesewls, and said corporation shall maintain at its 0wn expemse. from sumset to sunrise, such lights 01* other signals on said bridge as L*¤¤*S·¤¤¤· thu Light House Board shall .)l’8SCI‘ib8£ And provided furjfher, That nothing herein contained sha11H be held to alter or affect €X1Sti11g121\VS Exbting laws. as to the removal of bridges obstructing the navigation of rivers when the Secretary of War shall so determine. _ _ Sac, 1;. That all railroad companies desiring the use of saul bridge Uaesby other com shall have and be entitled to equal rights and {privileges relative to P`"` ' the passage of railway trains over the same, am over the: approaches thereto, u_p0n the payment of a, reasonable comémensahon 01* Such use; and in case the owner or owners of said bri ge and the several railway companies, or any one of them desiring such use, shall fail to agree upon the sum or sums to be pmd, and uyiou rules and conditions to which each shall conform in using said ridge all matters STAT L——v0L xxv—·-49