Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/819

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774 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. -328. 1889. Active mmm. THE ACTIVE MILITIA: rrs oRGAN1zAtr10N. _0rga¤mu¤¤ of Na- Sec. 10. That the active militia shall be composed of volu11teers, and °'°"°l Gum shall be designated the National Guard of the District of Columbia; · and in case the militia of the District of Columbia are called into the service of the United States, or required for the suppression of riots, or to aid civil officers in the execution of the laws, s lall be the ` first to be ordered into service. Siwngth on pence Sec. 11. That in time of peace the National Guard shall consist of mm not more than twenty-eight companies of infantry, which shall be arranged by the commanding general into such regiments, battalions, ` and unattached companies as e may deem expedient; one battery of light artille)ry;donp signal conps; one ambulianiséa corps ;_ one engineer co s- one an 0 m11s1c, an one cor s o e musicians. Rezimemoz mm- 12. ·That regiments of infantr pshall consist of three battalm‘ ions; and to each regiment there shall be one colonel and one lieutenant-colonel, and a staff to consist of one surgeon, one adjutant, one quartermaster, one inspector of rifle practice, and one cha lain, each with the rank of captain; and a non-commissioned staff? consisting of one sergeant-major, one quartermaster-sergeant, one com- .missary-sergeant, and one hospital-steward. Infantry battalions- Sec. 13. hat battalions of infantry shall consist of four companies; and to each battalion there shall be one major; and a staff consisting of one surgeon, one adjutant, one quartermaster, and one inspector of rifle practice, each with the rank of nrst lieutenant; and a non- . commissioned staff, consisting one sergeant-major, one quartermastersergeant, and one hospital-steward. Mwwywmpmes- Sec. 14. That to each company of infantry there shall be one cap- . tain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one first sergeant, four sergeants, one corporal to each ten privates, and not more than. eilghfyé-geévip privates; and the minimum number of enlisted men s a o . Artnlery bonu-y. f Sec. 15. Tlunzhthe battery of high; artillery shlall halvefiot less than our nor more an six ns. o our uns ere s a be one ca - tain, twat first lieutenanté? onehsecond ligutenantqpne first sergeanlt, one qua ermas -er-sergeant, ve sergeants, ei t cor orals, two buglirs, apd nottnéore thaln eightygiwo privates; and tlie minimum num er o en is e men s a e -seven. o more than four gunsltherel shall be, fp]? eazch addition?-l gulp, one sergeant, two corpora s, an no more an wen y nor esst an ten rivates· for two _ additional guns there shall be one additional second) lieutenant. mgligzaghnzmwmce, Sec. 16. That to each signal corps, ambulance corps, and engineer " _ "°°""* corps, there shall be one first lieutenant, two sergeants, two corporals, am not more than thirt ·-two nor less than fourteen privates. B¤¤<¤· Sec. 17. That the band of music shall consist of 011e chief musician, two sergeants, two corporals. and thirty-two privates; and the cor is _ of field music of one principal musician, two sergeants, two corporals, a11d thirty-two privates. The chief musician. princi al musician. and other non-commissioned officers of the band and field music shall be appointed by the commanding general. pgifjlpdjxgngf :3;;; Sec. 18. That when any company of the National Guard shall, for mum strength. a peiiiod eg noplpsg than ninety mzylsipoiglain less than the minimum num er o en is e men rescri IS ac or u on a dul ordered inspection, shall be Ifound to hayé; fallen lielow at roper stlandard of efficiency, the commanding general may either disbaud such company or consolidate it with an other company of the National Guard, and grant an honorable discharge to the supernumerary pgx1cers(agdeligoglgcpnglrnisiiolnecl offilcers prochicjed by suchfconsplliila- · . _ - · _ _ IS e men a isc 1arge< reason o suc isbanding or consolidation and at any time tlierel-ift_er re-entering the $§;w;i;·le1;l;all3;1(a;*;€allo(§ved to them, as part of their term of service,

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